Nice and short tech demo for the Steam Deck, no complaints but obviously nothing revolutionary

Looks pretty but didn't catch my attention to finish it, doesn't seem like my type of game.

Played this after getting the Steam Deck and had trouble with aiming which made me stressful, since ammo is valuable... Not giving any rating because of this skill issue.

Adorable but super short unfortunately.

Played this for about an hour and the beginning became very repetitive.

Controversial, but the openness of the world and its story overwhelmed me. I prefer more linear games with clearer objectives.

I absolutely love games like Life is Strange - their soundtrack, story and overall vibes. Tell Me Why a bit underdelivered on all of it, but I'm still too biased to give it less than 3 stars.

My first "real" completion (all achievements) on the Steam Deck. Thank you Spyro, very cool.

Played a lot of the original Rogue Legacy when it came out, so this one feels almost nostalgic to me. Overall, pretty much what I expected from a sequel so I was not disappointed. I'm definitely not going for all achievements though.

Fun for a few hours, but the tracks feel so similar that you start to question yourself why are you still playing this game.

I completed this game in one weekend, even though it looks so simple and boring. Very strange experience but hey, it was good enough for me to keep playing.

Played for about an hour, but doesn't feel like my type of game.

The story is average, but I liked the rats mechanic and how it creates some genuinely disturbing situations throughout the game.

Basically an introduction to assembly programming, can't complain. Also, really like the aesthetic.

Started out interesting, but got too complex too fast.