Love a game that's a LITTLE willfully obtuse, it really does just throw you into the deep end, but that said it's not like you can really 'lose', things are just challenging at first. The environment and artwork is terrific, and I'm the kind of nerd who loves picking up trash in video games so I don't mind some grinding. Highly recommend looking at the guidebook for some good starter tips

RPGMaker farming sim is an ambitious ask, and for the most part I think it's done very well. It's not as freeform as a Stardew but I don't think it needs to be, or even should be. The farming mechanics, while limited, are varied and rich enough to make the initial sprinkling of horror that much more impactful. Honestly I found myself getting more caught up in the farm mechanics and forgetting about the plot for some stretches. There's a lot of exploration and discovery at play. Plot was eh, I mainly enjoyed the subtle horror nudges you get before the endgame kicks in: a shift in music, a trail of blood you don't recall seeing there last time, a missing animal or two. But the actual scariest part of the game is the stamina and fatigue system. If you chafe at stardew's stamina limitations you'll absolutely hate this, but I love to suffer and eat 100 steamed crabs a day

Incredible game concept, very fun to play. I do wish you didn't have to play through every piece of every broadcast to see the other endings - can we just pretend I played the nice adverts instead of the naughty ones so I can see what happens when Advance likes me?

Very cute and well-designed lil chess game

real tough one to rate, seems that's a common thread. It's stylish as fuck and I love the minigames battle system (not perfect, but infinitely more engaging and interesting than "hit attack and hope you don't miss"). There's just a sense of missed potential with this game. tldr i did really like it, it's artistically inspiring, it does a lot of things well...which just makes the shortcomings more obvious.

Your character never seems to be able to make any choices, and with the extremely limited inventory there aren't even many decisions to be made regarding battles, you either get good at the minigames or you don't. grinding seems pointless, since non-boss battles award you a pittance of Fortune Coins (if any!) and my level capped out before I beat the game. Normally in games like this I enjoy looking for little hidden items or character actions, but the stuff you do find seems inconsequential (found a new goblin? well you don't get to choose which one comes out during battle and they all behave the same...) or just fills up your inventory with garbage. Would've loved to see more side-quests, optional content, branching paths, character relationships, and for a game with this much love and charisma it's heartbreaking that in the end it's a pretty bland story, and digging any deeper yielded more frustration than awe.

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Kinda a downgrade from the first one tbh. Sneaking around the house was a fun mechanic but other than that it's basically the first game but with only 1 date. Didn't dig the plot as much either, the 'true' endings seemed a lot more straightforward to find, and even the ending gauntlet felt loads easier than Nyan's (last 2 of the 7 minutes i was just staring at candles, completely safe). Got all the endings in under 4 hours, even while letting all the voice lines play out

sooooo so so good. for a game where all you do is fish the different areas feel distinct and have some neat mechanics. you should be able to keep the dog > : (

they really hacked my brain stem with the loop of dungeon clearing and community management. the new sin stuff seems neat but it really just upgrades your temple? lame. also youre not allowed to fuck so whats the point

this is a phone game. but i did 100% it because i am not immune to phone game

Awesome roguelike, the aesthetics and music are so enticing. gamers truly do yearn for the mines. also big fan of finding shit in games with no explanation. maybe that weird object you dug up is a teleporter, or maybe its a bomb teehee

why is every update of this game its own separate game on this site lol. This game hits my dopamine hard, but i do wish there was more incentive to go explore instead of staying at the base. I get the sense it's coming later but my god how long will this game be in early access

Just came out early access, but has a lot of promise so far. The town/townsfolk elements seem pointless, you may as well be fulfilling disembodied quests for the heck of it, but the automation mechanics are solid and fun to build

A neat mowing roguelike (Vampire Survivors style) game, I dig the space aesthetics and I like that there are boss battles. Didn't realize there was auto aim until i got the 'win without auto aim' achievement lol

First ever RPG based on a comic (maybe?). I'm a fan of a comic but I'm BONKERS for this game, it goes far beyond the wicked humor and artstyle I expected from the comics. This is an RPG with fresh mechanics that I genuinely expect (hope!!) to see future games borrow from. Particularly the merch mechanic, I never want to have to juggle purchasing 3 different types of health potion ever again.

Beyond being an excellent game, this was an incredible experience for me. The amount of genuine care and love that makes this game, oodles of absurdity, a world that feels fully formed and ready to be a home. I ate up everything this game had to offer and continue to gnaw the bones. Home's decaying fist has touched my heart