A better game than All Star, glad there is still a active and passionate player-base for this game. If only the JoJo fighters (and games) that followed were of this quality.

Such a large learning curve. This is the most challenging fighting game i've ever gotten into. The best one !

The sprites are so beautifully shaded, so much detail was put into this game and it shows. SnK's character design, specifically KoF's, look cool as always

I hadn't seen a game die that fast since Fall Guys, even Fall Guys got played more.

Who unironically is giving this game 5 stars? Like reallllyyyy ask yourself this.

So disappointing to have played this after 4, a clear downgrade. To begin, the change of the inventory system was terrible and the PC ports assigned keys are jarring after having played its predecessor. The way the the inventory functions, in fact the way the entire game functions, is terrible. No longer is their the space you had in the Cases in 4 and the clever space conservation, instead 5 has you use Sheva hold all your shit (unless you're playing with a partner).

Piggybacking off of that, this game's almost unplayable without a co-op partner, it's a miracle I was able to power through and play that way.

The layout of the map is boring and repetitive and the same charm that was their with the older games story and dialogue just isn't there with this one. It felt like one of the movie adaptations. I also didn't think the game had a racist aspect of it....up until I played through the section of the game with the tribal villagers making stereotypical African clicking noises. Lol.

Oh i also hate the new boss fights.

Even with all its flaws, the game has some merit. I liked Wesker returning, D.C. voice acting was top tier the entire game. He should definitely return as return as Wesker in the franchise in some way, shape, or form. I liked the new ammo for the grenade launcher and I also liked Sheva as a character. She's not a damsel co-op partner like Ashley and I didn't totally dislike her AI, was a lot better than the actual enemy ai.

All in all, still bad. 2.5/5.

The removal of building honestly changes the entire game. It's amazing that this hadn't been done already, the game's incredibly fun. The movement and mechanics are smooth and compliment the combat. This game really pulled me back in.

One of my favorite games of all time, and i'd argue, one of the best "horror games" of all time. I wish people would realize that a piece of media labeled as horror not being scary isn't a valid critique. The games story plays out like a cheesy Action-thriller and it's fitting, the games doesn't take itself so seriously and that's what's so fun about it. The tank controls that have been in every Resident Evil game up to this point work the best here and the pc port of the game specifically makes its controls even more accessible.
The Steam/PC port did up the framerate and make graphical improvements, making the game look slow and awkward at times. Even with the accurately ported mouse controls, Leon's gun feels extremely shaky. This didn't raise much of an issue going up against enemies because of how easily you can take them down if you're an experienced player, but shooting things like Spinel's and bird's nests down proved tedious.

The game has soooo much replayability, there's enough content to keep you coming back to the game for years (me); including a side-campaign detailing the events of the game through Ada's point of view as well as several minigames. Then of course you can just replay both those campaigns with new unlocks after your first completion.

All in all, the game's a masterpiece.

Unfortunate that this is one of the worst Final Fantasy games because it probably has one of the iconic protagonist in the franchise. But he's so fucking borrringgg, Squall is boring.

Not enough selection in my opinion. There's a handful of characters I actually thought were worth playing after seefing through so much unviable bullshit. Some character's felt so weird to include in the game especially when you consider how many popular IP's are under both Marvel AND Capcom. WHY IS PHEONIX WRIGHT IN THE GAME? HE SUCKS! HE PLAYS LIKE SHIT. Also confused as to why Spiderman, who was STILL Marvel's most popular character in 2011, plays badly in this game. Those are probably my only two critiques because not a lot of negative things can be said about this game. It's a classic. Extremely fun and competitive gameplay paired with a UI pleasing to my eyes. Whenever I think 'Best Fighting Games of All Time' I think MvC3.

It's literally a sandbox game where you can do whatever you want. This could only be a bad game to the unimaginative.