8 reviews liked by succutebusmary



A really solid cat game, the movement of the cat was incredible and felt natural considering they used a real cat for motion capture. The plot is somehow interesting yet feels lackluster at some points of the game, the chemistry between our protagonist cat and the robot companion is cute. A post-apocalyptic setting is a great and intriguing choice, the environment and atmosphere of the game really sells that you're in a post-apocalyptic place. The duration of the game depending on the gameplay varies, for me, I finished it in under 8 hours, but it took me 11 hours to complete all of the achievements. My only complaint is that the game is a bit short when I summarize everything after finishing it. But who can forget the main point of the game? It's the fucking cat. You can meow, pur, and play with other robots simulating that you're a cat. Overall I'll rate this 7/10, interesting setting, plot, and protagonist.



The vibes are simply immaculate. This game doesn't really try to be anything other than what it is. It's a nice relaxing adventure. While emotional stakes are never too high it's easy to get attached to the world and it's characters. The world is interesting and the music is so atmospheric and not too intrusive. A short game worth the time.
They had it right in 1970. Everybody wants to be a cat.

Not without its flaws but I really enjoyed Baldur's Gate 3 and will continue playing it for more playthoughs.
The biggest flaw BG3 has got to be the dialogue mechanics, where the character who started the dialogue is the only one talking. There needs to be a way to switch characters mid dialogue, it needs to show unique dialogue options for chracters that are listening in to the conversion where you can turn them to the talker. While playing coop other players listening in to the conversion can vote on dialogue options, it would be great if your companions could also "vote" on the dialogue they would approve. Theres an (optional) scene near the end of the game -without spoilers- where if you fail a roll the npc with us takes charge and tries themselves, it makes no sense for our 8 str sorcerer to be rolling str cheks while we have 27 str Lae'zel watching. Dialogue, like combat and exploration, should be a cooperative experience. This was also how it was like in DOS2.
Speaking of DOS2, there are quite a few things downgraded compared to DOS2. Crafting and elemental effects first came to mid. There are also some DND mechanics like the armour system that imo doesnt translate well into a video game and I prefer the way they were in DOS2.
Theres also the issue of balance, where a 12 level fighter Lae'zel could by herself deal 200+ damage in one turn while my puny 12 level ranger was dealing the same damage as level 5. I had respec so many times just to make archery viable and spent most of act 3 being completety useless. At the end of DOS2 I stunlocked and destroyed my entire party, both the huntsman skill and the unique arrows were all viable and worked as they should. In BG3 both of them sucks. I've tried all the subclasses and multiclassing to fighter and in the end the only thing that I found to be viable is the level 11 Hunter abilities Volley and Whirlwind Attack(not archery but still good with finesse weapons.) After finding that my ranger became a functioning part of the party again. Fighter is insanely powered and was so much fun to play.
Another annoying thing is the looting of enemies. In Pathfinder when you're looting, all the nearby loot pops up to the same screen divided by source. In BG3 looting enemies one by one is a complate waste of time.
And there was the problem of performance, when we first came to the Baldur's Gate my fps drop to single digits and the game was borderline unplayable. Altough this has been fixed with Patch 2 and I didnt have any issues after that. We also experiance a few bugs and crashes but nothing a restart didnt fixed.
Overall this was a great and enjoyable experience and I would recommend Baldur's Gate 3.

I love my goddess so queen shadowheart

Amazing. Incredible. Middling. Technically frustrating.
So, this game is a buggy mess, especially in Act 3. Dialogue that doesn't trigger. Broken quests. Non-existent audio. Again, it's a bit of a mess. However, the journey, the characters, the different ways to tackle fights, the exploration. It's all top-tier. I barely scratched the surface of depth this game offers. Narratively I'm a little disappointed with how certain characters' journeys end. The "good" ending feels a little ultimately hopeless for a lot of them in my opinion. Overall it's a solid experience and managed to pull a good 90 hours out of a first playthrough. Guess I'll stick around for Divinity: Original Sin 3.

This review contains spoilers

For every good thing I'd like to say about the game, game-breaking glitches occur too frequently for me to consider it much better than a 8/10.

The overall theme of death being something which bonds us, moulds us, and is irreversible is incredibly neat, however one could argue it is cheapened by the fact that you Can just resurrect at will.

Huge game, I will replay it and discover other stories I have missed out on. Though I am disappointed that I encountered several parts of the game which messed with the story's cohesion.

lets get into this goblin tea hunni

try to not do the big homo challenge: