this is the best thing that ever happened to me

this game helps me to dissociate 👍

everything was great, except i felt like there should've been more scenes to connect with the love interests, kinda lacking there

i almost cried out of frustration soooo many times

a lil tedious at some point but the characters are wholesome and the minigames are funny

can we please get a "skip seen dialogues" option?

pd lovely game

everything is great i just wish there was an undo button and a way to unstock npcs

lovely characters! i loved them all, yohan my dear boy, specially.
the settings, the aesthetic... gorgeous!
fun fights and puzzles! although they can get repetitive, i didn't mind
i'm mad about Sia and Yohan only getting 1 image, though. the other two characters had more, for some reason? a little bit unfair

overall, i recommend the game hehehe

played the demo and love everything so far

it's so fun to call out contradictions throwing "objection" to everyone heheeh
p.d: i keep seeing h0mo subtext, you aint foolin noone


so many crimes were committed here