Finally playing the new content on the 3D World port turned out to be an all-nighter of fun and amazing ideas that I hope will be turned to a longer game someday.

I have nothing but love for this game, from being a cherished memory of the Wii U days to its amazing return on the Switch. Soulful and fun to the very end.

It is my favorite game ever and what I think to also be the best game ever made.

Its unmatched combat is the hook, but the rest of what it has to offer is far from negligible. I have yet to find a game that provides a sense of adventure like Dragon's Dogma does.

Intrigued by this game for a while, I decided to splurge and actually had a lot of fun playing this. The combat feels satsifying and the lack of microtransactions was a good surprise.

What prevents it from reaching greatness is a lack of variety, which could potentially be fixed in future updates. It also suffers from a small playerbase meaning that its future could be compromised.

As the previous user said, "you had to be there". I spent some of the best gaming evening of my life playing Nintendo Land, it is a beautiful soulful game that still stands today as a proof that the Wii U was great. The Mario Chase and Luigi's Mansion minigames especially are genius.

Simply the best kart racer ever made. Seems to never age despite time passing, it's still mind blowing that Mario Kart never reproduced the adventure mode that CTR includes. Graphics, soundtrack and gameplay are simply amazing. I have not spend a bad minute playing this game.