Very fun fast paced arcade game where you gotta capture all the animals before time runs out. The sound design is amazing every action has this big chunky sound to it even running around is super satisfying as a result.

When Shrek threatened to rape me within the first minute I finally felt genuine terror in a video game.

This game is so amazing it made me remember I even had a backloggd account. Buy it or else your a terd.

Big fan of Serious Sam 1-3 however the "humor" in this is extremely grating. It feels like they found the trash bin full of rejected jokes by Gearbox for Borderlands. For fuck's sake these guys are making killing Kenny jokes in 2020.

If this lets me turn off my body cam before unloading on a low income bystander then plant the devil's lettuce on their body it will be my dream cop sim.

Armored Core 4 is a very interesting title. Starting with this iteration the franchise took a radical departure from the slower more methodical gameplay of the previous entries in favor of a much faster pace and more streamlined mechanics. In some instances it works incredibly well and in others it feels like a case of one step forward two steps back.

One thing that really upsets me about this one in particular is it removed the mail and pre-mission briefs which added a lot of flavor to the setting and agendas the various factions at play had. Instead of being this lone wolf mercenary taking orders from the highest bidder you're now sticking with one side for what's essentially one long military campaign during a world war caused by various corporations. The premise is extremely cool but the downside of this is almost every mission involves you taking down a specific mech or landmark with nothing interesting really added towards it. While past games also suffered from a lack of mission variety the background info given really helped made them memorible. A good example of this is in one of the early missions of Armored Core 3 you're hired to go take out some group of laborers going on strike, the setup you got is way overkill for the situation at hand and when you enter the factory the workers there start panicking over your appearance knowing they WILL die now. The real kicker is after the mission is over you get an email from the group that hired you saying they're aware their measures were extreme but they were forced by what's essentially a totalitarian AI that gave them the order to hire you for it.

Now one thing AC4 absolutely excels at is upping the intensity as the game goes on. While the first 2/3s are a bit of a drag the final batch of missions are freaking phenomenal with you doing stuff like rushing through a battalion of hundreds of helicopters, boats, and mechs to go take down one big fortress. By the end of the game your mission to stop this war results in the world being festered with contamination, set ablaze, and fighting the one companion you had after they had been blackmailed to kill you.

If you don't mind some rather baffling design decisions that set the game back from its full potential AC4 is a rather short but sweet game worth a go and thankfully these days it can be emulated rather well from start to finish. This run I did was done on a steam deck with only a few hickups and one crash which honestly ain't too bad considering the framerate is miles above the game on real hardware.

100/10 soundtrack go listen to Thinker if you don't believe me.

Overdose is very much a case of one step forward two steps back. Gameplay takes a massive overhaul being a lot more frantic than the previous game and to compensate for that they give Grave more mobile movement and some additional moves. You're constantly in a loop of running, dodging, and shooting to build up your beat in order to use a destruction bullet which is now the only means to recover health along with regenerating your shield at a much faster pace. Unfortunately almost every other aspect of the game takes a downgrade. The sleek cel shading is now gone, cutscenes are presented mostly in a comic style format with only characters chatting, the somber tone and story is ditched in favor of a more generic 2000s action anime. Music? What music? Almost every stage is dead silent outside the sound of gunfire. Pacing also takes a turn for the worse as they tried to stretch what was a solid two hour game into a six-eight hour one so some levels really overstay their welcome. Still overall it's a pretty fun time though outside of gameplay is a disappointment compared to the original.

In an era where almost every game feels extremely bloated to get that 50 hour play time it's really nice to go back to something that's short but oh so sweet. Gungrave is an action packed ride of pure spectacle that doesn't overstay its welcome which took me about two hours to beat on my first try.

Europeans will insist they don't live in a third world country but then tell you Turrican was a 10/10 cause it was all they had as a kid. Tragic really.

It's awful but I give it half a star for letting you play a giant Serizawa destroying the city while carrying the oxygen destroyer in his hands.

It's kinda fun until the novelty of kicking kids wears off.

This game lets you live the ultimate far left fantasy of pissing on a donut then feeding it to a cop causing them to vomit.

They recently added an update where you can flip people off. Flipped off a cop and got arrested lol