High on Life is a bold simulation of being stuck in a room with that kid in school who never knew when to shut the fuck up for about ten hours.

If you wanted Mega Turrican but shit then this is the game for you.

This is honestly one of the greatest game compilations I've ever seen. Where other publishers lazily throw a handful of roms in an emulator package then call it a day this one acts more as an interactive museum about Atari and gaming as a whole during the 70s and early to mid 80s onwards. It is filled to the brim with fascinating historical documents, interviews, and overall insight into an era of gaming most people ignore in favor of the NES onward. Even if you're not into this period of video games I highly recommend picking this up for this historical context it provides.
Also it's got Tempest 2000.

This feels like Sonic Team had two unfinished Sonic games and instead of scrapping one to further polish the other they awkwardly crammed both together. It's not bad but it's not the amazing comeback I've been seeing fans make it out to be either.

Never thought a bunch of Atari 2600 looking ass trees would feel me with complete dread but man did this game manage to accomplish that.

Finally someone made a game based off the battles I face every day in life.

So basically every cutscene in this game is Gackt walking into a room doing flips and twirls in front of some random character who then spouts cryptic dialogue before jumping in a portal. Afterward Gackt does more flips and twirls then jumps into a portal.
10/10 presentation
As a hack and slash it's fairly average but it's overflowing with style greatly elevating the experience. If you wanna have a crazy Gackt adventure this is 100% worth playing.

Very solid bemani game and serves as decent competition with DJmax. Biggest thing preventing me from recommending it to anyone is it's stuck with always online DRM.

It's pretty fun until the disappearing dad glitch occurs hitting too close to home.

Look man there's a lot of issues with this game. Hardly any enemy variety, all the levels are basically generic city streets, and the difficulty is a bit absurd. But you gotta realize when I was five I got to be Venom.


Man what is there can I not say about this game? Armored Core was a franchise that lasted from 1997-2013 serving as From Software's major cash cow until Souls gained mainstream popularity. The franchise has a heavy emphasis on customization so extensive it can be intimidating for new players.

The original Armored Core and every entry up to Armored Core 2 Another Age takes place in a futuristic setting where most of humanity is wiped out and what remains is an anarcho capitalist hellhole where the major corporations are all committing all sorts of atrocities on each other along with the general public to be the big dog. The player takes the role as a Raven who is basically a gun for hire these corporations will contact and it's up to you to pick which missions fit your agenda whether it be your morals, objective difficulty, or monetary gain. At the end of the day you're going to be doing some dirty deeds whether it be killing a bunch of homeless people squatting in an area a company wants to expand in, unleashing a biological weapon to screw over another company, or killing someone who went under a horrific experimental procedure to turn them into a murder machine only to go rogue. Starting with the very first game Armored Core establishes a bleak setting where the player is not the hero of the story but rather another factor in its ongoing misery.

What makes Armored Core really stand out for me is how customization is integrated into its overall missions structure. Each mission will give you a briefing that details a general idea of what you're in for and it's up to you to tune up your AC as needed. The majority of the game is essentially this puzzle of tackling a mission, changing things as you feel need be and either successfully accomplishing the mission or having to troubleshoot where your AC is lacking and do some touch ups. This might sound tedious but From made the right call in two areas. Missions are generally short very rarely surpassing the five minute mark but more importantly every weapon or part you purchase in the store can be resold at the same exact price you paid for so there is absolutely no punishment for experimentation.

Another aspect of Armored Core I absolutely adore is the control. Initially the controls will seem very clunky and unintuitive but over time you eventually get the hang of them and my god does it feel incredible piloting a hulking behemoth who is also somehow flying around in circles dodging missiles and shooting rival ACs up in the sky with your plasma cannon.

Also gosh dang is the music FANTASTIC. AC1 in particular is a great combination of electric and atmospheric tracks and I frequently find myself coming back to them often while I'm not playing. My personal favorite from AC1 are Synoptic Dope, Shape Memory Alloys, Grip, and Air.

I'm trying to keep this review as concise as possible so I'll finish now with urging you to finally try out this series. It may be forgotten now by gamers but there's a pretty dang good reason we got 18 games in a 16 year period and it's absolutely worth diving into the first entry to get a glimpse why.

A pretty fun pre-Virtua Cop lightgun era shooter heavily inspired by 70s and 80s American action movies. Has a great soundtrack as expected from Konami at the time and some fun cheesy lines from the goons you shoot.

A fairly decent yet simplistic 1v1 fighter based on the Power Rangers license. The presentation absolutely carries this one but still worth trying out if you're a fan of the series.

A damn near arcade perfect port of the original Darius released on the Sega Genesis. Initially it was part of the Genesis Mini however it eventually got a physical release for the real console which is the copy I played. Seeing such an amazing port released now versus the okay port of Darius 2 released in 1990 really makes you wonder what could have been, at the very least it's criminal how overlooked this particular release of Darius is right now.

This game has cost me $771.31 on DLC and multiple DS4 controllers it chews through like a rabid dog please for the love of god put it down before I spend even more money on it.