64 Reviews liked by suzycc

-tbh found the way this game understands when to be quiet and sullen and reflexive rlly compelling. like epi2 has a lot of these just silent moments and it rlly builds off of how loud and aggressive that first ep is
-love the way this game handles language if that makes sense. like it’s def it’s own world w it’s own vocab which makes it feel all the more abstract and diff from our own world. like I rlly liked that although the game is about religious fanatics and church organizations there’s a very pointed spelling of christmas as xmas and w that comes its own implications for the characters and the world. there’s also a ton of typos here which could mean anything from the fact that most dialogue is said by children or the idea that most religious fanatics and zealots are commonly seen as less educated but tbh I don’t think that’s the case and rlly hope it isn’t as that’s kind of rooted in classism. or idk maybe it’s a deliberate choice to make the world feel more alien and less like our own or that the writer just accidentally put it through w some typos
-think the wordplay w nb nonbeliever enby is genuinely rlly smart cheeky commentary. all of the writing is rlly clever in regards to how it handles both gender and sexuality and it’s mostly esp subtle which is rlly nice bc I feel like the worst thing about queer art is how much it feels like it’s beating u over the head. this never does except in one moment where the camera focuses in on the word GAY in a paper written about twigs, even that I find ridiculously charming and almost funny. rlly nails down the way that adults speculate on childrens’ orientations and gender expression in a rlly gross way and how that can make ppl feel, enough of the game is about how from the moment ppl see u they’re drawing their own conclusions and perceptions about/around u.
-love the animation here, middle ground between mid 90s early cgi shorts from animation studios that would become established in the coming decades and the video art horror boom of the early 2010s. equal parts cutesy and comfy and creepy. rlly amazed w the cutscenes in epi 2 and how well they’re directed and overall in terms of staging and shooting the scenes and what a step up that is. there’s like a zoom in on the main characters faces in the opening segment of that episode that’s actually so cool and pretty. got the style of like rando mtv oddities frl. the live action moments r so beautiful…
-think it’s cool what and who they do and don’t show. like it’s very much so a point to never show the parents or grandmother, same w the fathers friend during the poker game segment. reminds me a lot of how adults are shown in peanuts, almost like non entities, npc’s if u will. the fact that the only adults we see are the lovecorp employees who look and behave alien and otherworldly but also mostly completely ageless and ethereal.
-one of the only pieces of media to rlly get down the feeling of disassociation. idk spent basically the entirety of my teenage years disassociated and disconnected from my conversations and interactions w other ppl. like Ik I had friends and I talked w them and occasionally talked to my family but I can’t rlly remember what we talked about or what we did bc I was so checked out back then. not even bc I was necessarily uncomfortable w myself but more so bc I was uncomfortable around others and w how my life was panning out. love the scenes of twigs driving w her mother and how checked out she is in those conversations. I one day won’t be able to remember conversations at all or even how ppl that were once kinda close to me looked but I’ll always remember how the roads looked.
-the bonnie coded marcie coded girls r doing yuri/yaoi again

no review yet but i just played balloon park and i think i might murder someone

ok the one piece fans were right though it literally does get good 27 hours in

seriously a combination of patch 2.2 and improving my skill over the course of the last while has turned this from a game i was really mixed on to a game i can’t put down, it’s a crazy turnaround. i still can’t say my old review was wrong, though. it’s a real criticism that the experience as a beginner is so rough, and while i got stockholmed into sticking with it, i can completely understand why others would just give up after a few cups, ESPECIALLY on earlier versions. if you did, though… maybe try again? special stages are much easier to get into and much fairer, cpu rubber banding is nerfed, slopes don’t drag you down as much without rings, and the weirder challenges are finally starting to get well documented alongside the game itself making them easier to skip.

…balloon park still exists, though, so it’s not all good news. oh well.

Maximize your damage output by being bisexual now that is gaming.

"I am become joker, stacker of decks"
- Jokerheimer

"So Batman, you wanna know how I got these scores?"
- Michael B. Joker 🤡🤡🤡

"I only go for the Straights"
- James Charles (on Balatro, probably)

Me and my homeboys lookin like a FLUSH at the FUNCTION cuz we all wearing the SAME SUIT

This here be REAL JOKER POKER - many deckbuilders have tried, but few succeeds. Maybe it just wasnt In The Cards 🤷🏽‍♂️ And DONT pretend to be ANTI-WAR unless you can make it past ANTE-FOUR, you know what I mean?

I'd say 2x gamespeed is optimal because it makes the gameplay feel snappy without being rushed.

i watched my older brother play this when mom wasn't home

uh... i beat this as a kid? there's no fucking way i'd have the patience to complete this again as an adult.

we needed sequels to this!!!!!!!

endlessly replayable, one of the most content-rich of the series. it never comes to mind first when i think of my favorites, but it honestly should. it’s only held back by what mega man 1 was, and even then it takes great strides above it.

Katamari might be the funniest game. Not the funniest comedy script attached to a game, but the funniest game in the sense of the playing experience. Aesthetically perfect pure distilled joy in video gaming entertainment form. Dare I say "goated"

Fine port. I don’t think the new content justifies buying this again if your ps2 still works, but I’m glad people without the proper hardware are able to experience this game regardless.

Surpreendentemente divertido pra um jogo hentai, se tivesse um modo sem putaria eu podia recomendar pras pessoas, e as musicas são só pedradas, fiquei genuinamente surpreso com a qualidade da trilha sonora, se você quer jogar um metroidvania e não liga pra pornografia na sua tela com frequência, da uma chance

que rayos fue eso?

yume nikki es el ejemplo perfecto de juegos que te ofrecen una experiencia única, sentimientos únicos y que te transporta a su mundo. juegos que suelo jugar de madrugada luego de venir de trabajar, con la luz apaga más que la de una lámpara de noche que da luz naranja mientras fumo o consumo sustancias. las interpretaciones que le podía dar mientras jugaba, su atmósfera y ost opresivo, pero a la vez reconfortante que me daba un sentimiento de nostalgia y familiaridad e incluso identificado...

este sentimiento solo lo he experimentado con muy pocos juegos y el cual solo me lo ha dado obras muy de nicho y japonesas que salieron en los 90s o 2000s, una época que para los que me conocen, significa demasiado para mí.

Terrible. By far the worst classic Mega Man game and a strong contender for the worst game in any Mega Man series. The design choices in this game are profoundly stupid. All of them. The removal of charge and slide, the outrageously slow menus with the same texts being repeated endlessly, the overuse of spikes and jumps that require perfection, among other things.

When it comes to retro games, it's true that they're often associated with high difficulty, but also with well-crafted level design and overall good progression. This game lacks an interesting one. Instead it is repetitive, and excessively frustrating level design. It also amplifies the worst flaws of these retro games like terrible navigation menus. In some cases, it goes beyond that, EXACERBATING these issues. Mega Man 2, for example, was nowhere near as clunky as 9 is.

I'd probably give it an even worse score, but visually, the game has a charm and a few stages are decent. It's a game from 1986 stuck in 2008. But not from a competent developer like Capcom, but rather on the level of bad stuff like LJN games.