similar to megaman 4, good game but not the best when it comes to classic megaman

has some stinkers but overall pretty great

The most middling classic megaman and the standard for every game moving forward. Fun game until darkman but otherwise fine. Protoman is cool as fuck

pretty much a stepping stone to making mega man actually good. game feels too easy but it has some fun levels and weapons. final stages suck dick

wastes pretty much every legacy character by instantly killing them off or crippling them. travis is pretty good in this game as usual, but considering this is supposed to be the finale of the series it really ends on a whimper. game looks like shit too, but at least the combat is pretty fun. FU had some great moments but when you actually get to fight him it isn't interesting at all. Travis going full toku mode is based too

the true sequel to no more heroes and shouldve been the end of the series

pretty much a downgrade from the first in every imaginable way. boring gameplay, less interesting characters and themes, but they still got some great interactions between characters at times :D

the perfect mix of style, ludo, and retardation