47 Reviews liked by sweetchildofkos

Charming game, but overrated because dunkey is behind it.

My brain chemistry has been permanently damaged and the person that I was before this no longer exists. Thanks Ryukishi07.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the not-quite-soulsbourne soulsbourne, is a masterclass in FromSoft's already masterful gameplay experience. Though categorically not a souls-like or soulsbourne, Sekiro takes many of the same aspects from games of that genre, adds a few unique things of it's own, and creates arguably the most fulfilling combat system that I've ever played.

Sekiro's gameplay has a pretty simple rule. The enemy attacks, and you parry. Though there are a few exceptions and many other options available to you, combat will generally come down to two things: how well you know your enemy, and how well you can parry.

An Ogre smashing around an absolutely massive club? Parry it. An Archer shooting at you with a flurry of arrows? Parry it. A godlike being shooting tornados at you? Believe it or not: parry it.

This may sound difficult at first. I mean, how could you possibly parry a tornado blast? How could you parry several arrows and blades that come at you so fast that you can't even see their trails... Well that's the beauty of Sekiro. Everything in this game is masterful. The animations, the sound design, and all of the little things that tip you off to an enemy's attack. It's difficult at first, but Sekiro's combat is undeniably the most satisfying combat system that I've ever had the pleasure of mastering.

Of course Sekiro is not perfect. Like any other FromSoft game there are some questionable areas and bosses, alongside your choice of annoying gimmick boss that FromSoft just loves including in their games. Some areas are also incredibly frustrating and due to the nature of progression and the inability to farm like in a souls game, if you're having trouble there's really no way forward other than improving which may be a problem for some.

Sekiro feels like the smallest game in terms of gameplay variety, world, and stakes when compared to FromSoft's souls games, but because of this it also has the most focused and tight gameplay of the lot. There were almost no encounters in the game where I thought it was unfair. Everything is punishable within the mechanics available to you. If I had to describe Sekiro's gameplay in only a few words, I would simply say that it 'makes sense'.

Sekiro is a masterclass in combat design and gameplay. So much so that I wouldn't even care if the story and environment were uninteresting -the gameplay itself is just that good. Luckily we don't have to worry about that though, because Sekiro is great in those aspects too. Though I'm always wanting for a new soulsbourne, you can be damn sure I won't be complaining if we ever get another Sekiro.


this actually makes me want to make music and get into some emo teen clothes culture, this game is peak 2000s and i love it for that. looking at this reminds me of the time i watched sonic and kirby ocs with beat’s voice beat the fuck out eachother, actually fuck it. it seemed like every cool mf like YTPers and flash animators had a cool oc that were based off a intellectual property. damn i miss thoses times. This game uses ALL of the ds’s features thru the use of pins which is pretty wacky and fun and the storyline is great where this teen has to learn to work with people. the writing is so chilll man, it doesn’t take itself too seriously and it bleeds into the menu and it feels like it’s talking to you which I love. Also the music is JAMMIN! Playing this game with headphones is a experience a bit like minecraft but a bit cooler, I love walking around hearing underground play. Play this game and ill automatically be your homie.

The ladies be lovin me after hitting them with the "I've played more Persona games than you, I've played more MegaTen games than you. I have a degree in English and a deep focus in fiction writing. My media literacy and my knowledge of this series is better than yours" 😩😩🔥🔥🔥

this game is so fucking good i love the story the combat and especially the vergil fights they were great everyone should play this game

Even a Devil May Cry when he loses a 3 Dante's Awakening - Special Edition

The addition of Free Style mode and Co-op helps bring already amazing gameplay to the modern sensibilities of 5. Mix this with the best story in the franchise and you get a near perfect game that is top of its class in this genre let alone the industry.

Capcom pls take off the Switch exclusive shackles I beg...

Hadoken! Flash! Backbreaker!


Happy 25th, 3rd Strike.

It only took 5 years since the last Street Fighter II revision for there to finally be a worthy successor to the name. The first version of Street Fighter III, New Generation, was incredibly jank and felt off at all times. The second version, Second Impact, had some changes, but the game still failed to live up to the name. The two versions are incredibly underdocumented, and it's because this one here blows them out of the water. For one, we get returning veteran Chun-Li (who happens to be one of the best characters in the game) alongside four other new characters: Makoto, Remy, Twelve and Q. SFIII's definitely got the most unique roster to this day and it's so sad that most of these guys haven't seen the light of day since '99.

In terms of balance changes, the parry sees itself finally being useful! In New Generation and Second Impact, the parry was designed as another defensive option, which makes it SUCK because you tap forward instead of back to block. A little bit of frame data adjustments in 3rd Strike and it's now a tool used for offense with the ability to whip out an attack much faster than if you were to block it. The rest is history.

Aesthetically, it's the other side of the 90s coin that Street Fighter Alpha 3 and the previous two versions of Street Fighter III showed off. The "street" in Street Fighter is at its most apparent here, even after Street Fighter 6 thanks to the drum & bass soundtrack and grittier stages (we can thank memory limitations for the latter).

I love this game. It's a sign of devs trying their best to salvage a terrible game, shunned at first because it was a follow-up to that, and then it took the most iconic moment in competitive gaming history for people to look at it and go "wait, this is actually fire." It's cemented itself as one of the all-time greats and it deserves every bit of that title.

Most satisfying looking, playing, sounding game ever.

GG, well played. You just need to work on your combos, movement, blocking, neutral, aggression, punishes, conversions, border escaping, aerial control, air combos, resets, DPs, reversals, deck, flowchart, electric wind god fist, footsies, option selects, frame traps, fuzzy guard, pressure, air tech, ground tech, anti-air, cancels, auto-pilot, backdash, roman cancels, block strings, BnBs, meter, chicken block, chip damage, corner carry, counters, skill issue, execution, frame data, friendship, gimmicks, throws, knockdowns, high profiles, low profiles, hit stun, IADs, juggles, korean backdash, mash, meaties, mind games, mixups, okizeme, crossups, poke, projectiles, mentality, reaction, knowledge, family, respect, safe jumps, salt, sandbagging, set play, shimmy, side steps, spirit orb management, homework, stamina, tech traps, trades, whiff punish, yomi and zoning.