I've tried to pick it up and play every few years. Even with my love of Pokemon, I don't care and that can't keep me playing it. The game works as is, but I am just ready for TCG Pocket to come out this year.

Lack of character creation is a crime.

I forgot about this game until tonight. Pokemon Soulsilver has been great.

Look, this romhack is done well and there's a lot of fun ideas here. Lots of unique ideas like being a grunt that did fight against Red. The moment when you realize you are placed directly in line with events that happen in FireRed, that brought a smile to my face.

Buuuut man I got turned off by all the "edgey" dialogue and nasty language. I don't care if there is language in my video games if it fits the universe/story. I laugh in the face of any parent who gets mad at a piece of media that they share with their children that is clearly not meant for their child.

I don't care for this version of this game. I didn't get too far past the first encounter with Red because the constant edginess and language drove me nuts and left me feeling icky. Maybe the Pokemon franchise just needs to remain in the lane that is has been in from the beginning (of course I want the games to get better and not suck). As much as we would like it to go to a "mature" tone, I think this shows that some people will like it, but I won't be one of those people.

Hades has ruined me.

I can't see myself playing this game right now. School is quite busy and I want to give this game the proper time and attention. If I gave it a full 2 weeks of my gaming every day for 30 minutes to an hour; then I believe I would enjoy the game.

Right now? I'm barely able to allow myself to become accustomed to this game that requires a decent amount of high skills. Don't get me wrong, the game is fun. Hades did however set too high of an expectation with roguelikes.

I remember playing this as a wee lad. I loved bumping into the authorities and running away.

I need to revisit and finish this trilogy.

I played this game for 3 years and played anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours daily. It's been a few years since playing this game, but felt like throwing my two cents out there since I decided that I like writing reviews on this website.
Anytime I see an update on the game, it's liking see an old ex that is not doing well.
The main positive takeaway from this experience is that gacha games are no longer appealing. I turn the other direction and move onto the many other games in my backlog. You can look yourself and see that I will be happy without gacha mechanics not respecting my time and money.
This game is bad, and I am all the better for leaving.

“Now this is podracing.” Anakin said calmly.

This was my childhood, and the nostalgia goggles are certainly holding this higher than what I would give it now.

It controls well for me and that’s enough to enjoy.

Not a part of my childhood, so my patience becomes shorter. It’s quite charming, but I’ll move onto something else.

Nah. I won’t let my love for “Nintendo Products” try to control me into playing this bad game. I didn’t have fun and I don’t think you will either. Just try any of the other games.

It’s poker. shrugs
I can tell I’ve been enjoying some games recently that are just “pick up and play for a small time” kinda games.
I’ll play this one again, but want to put it away (until I try the other Poker game I have) for now to try some lengthy games.
The AI you play against are good enough. Sometimes you just have to bet “too much” and you’ll make money little by little as they fold.

Something clicked in this game during my 2nd game. I understood how fun it could get and the strategy started kicking in.

Another fun game that I’ll pick up and play for a few minutes.

I remember enjoying this game so much back in the day.

Many moments of the open-world reminded me that I was playing a video game rather than let me be submerged in the world. This works for this title compared to others that are too serious.

Sleeping Dogs is a wild ride and loads of hours ahead.

Also, Emma Stone voicing in this is strange to hear.

Like any other version of Tetris, it's a fun game to pick up and play. I played for an hour or so and see myself playing it more throughout this weekend. I'll update the rating and/or review if any big annoyances show up.
I enjoyed this version a lot and see myself going back to this one a lot more than others.

I play this only for Skip-Bo. Uno and Free Fall is fun but is alright. Free Fall is a fun gimmick, but Skip-Bo has more replay value.

For the most part, this game rocks sauce.
The incredible memes that are:


The dialogue is fun, the characters are entertaining and feel straight out of an anime with their odd quirks. It's enjoyable and the cases always feel fresh.
I did have some annoyances with the travel/map system. It felt like you had to backtrack to one location to get to another location and felt tedious at times.
I also didn't love having to pull out a walkthrough so I could use one random item at one random location to progress the story.
I'm looking forward to checking out the rest of the series with these fun characters.

It's Tetris.. c'mon it one of the best designed video games of all time.

I'll pick this up every so often, play it and know that I am not good. But still enjoy immensely and then put it away.