I think I did myself a disservice by taking so long to play through this, but still a great ride. Am usually skeptical of "card game plus other game" types because the card game usually is kind of dinky but this one was actually a ton of fun and fairly unique.

i got the point pretty quick tbh

really hope firefight comes someday

way better than i was expecting considering how much i disliked a way out. and the parents suck butt. consistently fun to play tho

idk why but i'll set this game down for months and then pick it up and play nothing else for a long time. definitely getting back to this some day as i've made a lot of progress and i think it's incredible

i love this game and that i can set it down for months and come back and the recap gets me right back into it. someday i will finish this game.

thought about marking this as abandoned but might come back to it yet. kraid difficulty spike bad and i've heard it's not the only one sooooo. otherwise i was really vibing with it... it feels so good to play