❌Friendship Ended With Wheatley❌
✅Now Gary is My Best Friend✅

I actually did play this as a very little kid with my parents. It was really strange and I remember it being pretty empty and inaccessible bc of paywalls. I kept all my funkey figurines though and sometimes I look at them like they’re ancient relics lol


Way more boring and repetitive than I remember it being, but oh well. I have to give credit to one of few games which catered to my little goth heart as a child.

Not the best Fallout by any means but my first Fallout. Has great replayability and tonnes of nostalgia for me

Banger soundtrack. Made me feel like a true disappointment

Though I love horror games, I rarely ever come across one that builds real tension in my gut while watching or playing. This one does and its pretty thrilling.

bad but not in the the good way the original games were

Why’d we get this on the wii

Definitely made lockdown easier to get through, but lacks the soul of the previous games. New Horizons deserves to continue to be updated.

Poured so many hours into this as a child going into a town and killing their chickens with a hammer.