lmao this would suck so bad if I didn't play it on emulator

this goes so hard with the minesweeper mins and maxes its insane, I would have to recommend playing hexcells and minesweeper and slitherlink and most other games of that sort before this because this seemed to be so extreme. playing them afterwards for the first time would be like playing snakebird primer after snakebird, just way too easy.


this rocks but some of the puzzles feel like a bit of a stretch

I love the part when you give a bag of shit to a cook and he frantically runs around exclaiming how terrible it smells.

i like the gameplay and how short it is but the booby monsters are kinda wack

smokes lsd what if it was in 3d

this is possibly the coolest game ive played but i cant seem to make a dent on it

tumblestone is the lil b of video games