metal blade is a weapon in the mega man series

lacks a lot of the movement options that would later become standard for the mega man series but definitely a great first entry

character designs are super cute
fun combat mechanics
good times :)

short and sweet but incredibly unique and compelling art direction/music
combat mechanics are fun as well

plan on coming back and beating this at some point but that stealth hospital level really did a number on my sanity

the gameplay mechanics are so unique and compelling for a rhythm game
league needs more goofy spinoffs

does this game deserve five stars? no
but i will still give it five stars

the game is fun and the art is good but it's really not all that memorable

rating rhythm games is hard because it's not an artistic experience but by god is hitting buttons fast fun

arcsys games are always so fun mechanically
but this one has testament and bridget so bonus points


the ethereal aesthetics is mainly what drives this game
i think the relaxing gameplay and music is definitely enjoyable but def more of an art piece than a mechanically compelling game

fun with friends but really nothing to gain by playing alone

ebf1 again but with overall better mechanics