loved it a lot as a kid but definitely lacks 95% of depth the later entries bring

rating is def nostalgia driven but whatever
i love the characters and art design a ton
boss fights are memorable and combat is mechanically interesting
overworld exploration is awesome

unironically better than elden ring

fighting the same boss encounters over and over again really killed my enjoyment of the game
it's stunning and incredibly impressive when you experience an area for the first time but the sheer amount of enemy types/bosses/dungeons they re-use over and over again is so grating

really fun anime fighter, enjoyed it for a while but don't really have any desire to return

shame it died i enjoyed it a good deal

idea is good but later on can be frustrating

bow and axe felt so nice to use
a battle royale that was actually interesting which of course meant it was doomed to fail

do you want to play mario party with no minigames by yourself for 40 hours just so you can see your favorite characters interact for about 20 seconds worth of dialogue?

have fun

toko komaru dynamic is great
gameplay was refreshing for the series and interesting overall
the game made me enjoy my least favorite character from 1 so i give it props for that

great overall cast but terrible villain/ending
goated side content

worse than 1 overall but has gundham so it evens out

great concept, super simple and easy to understand but can be incredibly hard to master especially at the higher speeds

going around the overworld is more fun than the actual racing