Weighed down by a few mediocre missions, but it really picked up at the end and was great overall. Prismatic is also a great addition, but I wish there were a few more options from other subclasses. Best expansion in my opinion.

Despite the technical issues, it was great. A huge step up from the first game and definitely worth playing. I really liked how it didn't feel like they nerfed Cal at all, even if you 100%ed the first game, which is often the case with sequels. Excited to see how the next game takes it even further.

I was kind of disappointed every time the story mission was just going back to a previous planet to do something else, because for a lot of the game it felt like it was just back and forth from Koboh to Jedha. Even though those two were massive planets, it still would've been nice to get more variety.
Also please for the love of god let me save anywhere, I don't want to have to go looking for a meditation point when I want to take a break. It ruins it a little bit because when i have limited time to play, it makes me not want to stray too far from the meditation point, but I can't make any meaningful progress unless I do.

An absolute masterpiece. Left me speechless too many times to count. There was always so much to do it was kind of overwhelming. Even though it was so much, I never found myself getting burnt out though because I could always go do something else with all the variety in minigames and quests. Definitely excited for the last game in the trilogy.

Everything a remake should be. Just wish they included FeMC and The Answer...

This expansion was really good, basically just a roguelike version of Octo Expansion. The color chips making every run different and sometimes making you really OP was great, but I wish there was more variation in the floors rather than color chips. I was also kind of disappointed when I heard there was no secret boss like Inner Agent 3 (Inner Agent 4 was right there, Nintendo).
If you're just looking to clear it once it'll be really short. You start with dualies, probably the best PvE weapon for Splatoon, though I can expect it'll take a pretty long time to clear it with every weapon if you want to open all the lockers (I have no idea how tf I'm gonna clear it with a charger).

Great game. The stratagems and stuff make the combat a lot more engaging and fun than the average PvE shooter. Seeing the progress on the map and making it feel like an actual global effort is really satisfying. After they fix the bugs and server issues I can definitely see myself playing this for a while.
The only real complaint I have is the premium battle pass and shop's existence... sure, we can get super credits in game, 750 in the free battle pass, but it takes a hell of a long time other than that, getting at most 10 or 20 per round. I don't feel like a premium currency should be a thing in a paid game.

Great game, but too short for $60. Even when I 100%ed it I had only spent 20 hours (I assume it was close to 20, my switch only tells me 15 or more) playing and it left me thinking "that's it?".

Also, the multiplayer was pretty annoying. I don't have any problems with the online multiplayer with random people, but with friends, local co-op is horrible when the camera is locked on the friend that sucks, and online co-op is horrible cause all your friends are ghosts and not really there with you. Feels like something they just added last minute so they could say "hey there's a multiplayer mode in this game too."

However I did really enjoy the game, it was super fun for what there was so yea.

Insomniac really blew it out of the water with this game, it was absolutely incredible. They took the best parts of the first 2 (already great) games and pushed them to the max, while still adding so much more to make it easily the best by far. The story was also just so well done. Definitely a game of the year contender, and I have no idea what that IGN reviewer was thinking. Can't wait for new game plus later this year, I'll definitely be replaying it.

Quite possibly one of the best games, if not the best game I've ever played. Breath of the Wild was already one of my favorite games ever, and this game blows it way out of the water. Everyone that calls this game $70 DLC, or that they just repackaged the same game has not played it. The game is absolutely massive, with Hyrule's surface in BOTW already being huge, they've essentially more than doubled it. The Depths are literally the size of the surface map, in addition to the sky islands, the map is huge. The new zonai devices, new abilities, and everything make for so much more freedom than before and I couldn't have had more fun.