I only played the original halfway through before I lost my save so I can't speak for the whole thing but from what I saw this remake shows so much respect for the original while bringing so many little improvements that make it even more enjoyable. I can't tell you how much fun I had just picking the right gemstones for the treasures that I meticulously searched for in every corner of the map.
This is peak game design, the way the levels are constructed in an almost metroidvania way where you keep finding new shortcuts and new passages in places you visited before. The combat is so addictive. Everything is just so FUN. I'm a huge fan of the original RE 1 and 2 and their more horror opposed to action approach but I'm not mad at the direction they went here because it's so well done. And still, they managed to introduce some more horror elements than the original had, which I appreciated. They don't make games like these anymore, where they're just not afraid of over the top action and camp and I'm so glad Capcom remembered that from the original.
This would be my GOTY if not for Alan Wake II, I can't find one bad thing to say, masterpiece.

Doesn't really expand much on the plot as I thought it would, but still a very welcome addition and a wonderful dlc. Playing with Ada and her grapple gun is tons of fun and it's always great to get more resident evil 4. Very happy to see them bringing back iconic moments like the laser room and the tram ride that weren't in the base game.
Also nice that they set up a resident evil 5 remake at the end but I wish they would go back to Code Veronica which would benefit much more from it

I really wanted to like this, the story and characters seem super interesting but I really can't get over the clunkiness of it. Just the way you can't even heal during combat, the movement is super stiff and awkward, idk, maybe the witcher 3 spoiled me but I can't get used to this combat

A good game that never reaches the heights of Alan Wake II and Control, but you can see the beginning of remedy's ideas that they would explore in those later games.
The combat and powers are fun, the story is cool and the graphics are outstanding for an 8 year old game, it could've been released today. It has amazing set pieces that create spectacle in the way remedy is best at, like the falling bridge or the crashing ship.
However I felt like it needed more. The tv show aspect was a nice idea but it was kind of a prototype to the live action mix we saw in Control and Alan Wake II, which works much better. It needed more enemy variety, more weapon variety, better upgrades, and just more gameplay. Much of the time spent on this is by watching the show and reading documents. Which is fine, Control has tons of documents too and remedy knows how to create interesting lore. But in Quantum Break specifically I feel like there are very few encounters and actual gameplay which in the end just left me wanting more.

A beautiful and sometimes heartbreaking story in one of the most beautiful platformers. It keeps introducing new environments and mechanics throughout the whole game and it’s always a feast for the eyes.
The escape sections are the worst part for me. They succeed in being super intense but they get frustrating having to do them a hundred times each because all it takes is one mistake and you’re dead, my fingers were literally hurting by the end. The movement is super fluid and fun but having played a bit of the sequel I know there’s room for improvement, and they made sure to do just that

I played through the first chapter, thought of giving it the benefit of doubt but yeah it is as bad as its reputation. Obviously riding on re4's success it tried to imitate it in every way but failed to grasp what made it great. The level design is subpar, the inventory system is dumbed down and frustrating, the vendor is gone and the story is boring and lacks momentum from the beginning. The supposedly similar gameplay to re4 is what made me try it but it didn't feel the same at all.
Coop is supposed to be its saving grace but for someone trying to play solo it's just frustrating to have to rely on the AI cause I always feel like I should have someone playing with me.
Even the graphics somehow look worse than re4, all the environments look dull and consist of corridors leading to arenas where you fight hordes of enemies, rinse and repeat. They didn't even try to use the African setting in creative ways. What they did use it for was for making it a racist problematic mess, I don't see how no one thought it would just feel wrong to be a white american going to Africa to shoot hordes of black people.
Big misstep for the franchise, I think I'll listen to the general consensus and skip re6 as well. Maybe I'll revisit this if a remake happens and they give it a big overhaul, but I don't know if it can really be saved.

I played this through many different updates cause it took me so long to complete. It’s not a perfect game, but overcriticized as a result of its rocky launch.
The world is beautiful, Night City is one of the best crafted cities ever in a video game and they nailed the cyberpunk vibe, every location is filled with neons and the characters look exactly as they should.
The main story is filled with amazing action moments and unexpected twists and I really enjoyed it
As for the bad parts, releasing after projekt red’s nearly impossible to top magnum opus The Witcher 3 some of the side quests were a let down. There are some really good ones, but there’s also a lot of filler in the form of fixer gigs and ncpd crimes which after a while feel like busy work, something I never felt on the Witcher 3, and which made me take extended pauses from playing at times cause I got bored of them.
The changes they made for the most part worked wonderfully like the way armor works or the revamped character progression and new abilities but some don’t, and it’s kind of a problem in the way it was designed from the start. After the updates you see these medical boxes that used to have healing items which you don’t have to pick up anymore, a lot of the loot became useless. Crafting is oversimplified, I don’t really like just collecting a bunch of different tier crafting materials and that’s it, it doesn’t feel rewarding. The progression kind of stops when you reach a certain point, I reached max level and street cred way before the end game and all the combat encounters became way too easy, and the weapons I found were rarely better than the ones I had.
They have created something special though and I’m sure a sequel will fix most of this and make it the powerhouse it can be

A dlc that elevates the game to new heights, feels like a new game, the spy thriller story is amazing and Dogtown is a superb location. I love how everything is more well thought of and still integrated with the base game, even the new gigs are more complex and function like small missions with their own storyline and characters. I got an awful ending but it was nice to see all the consequences of my choices and they felt meaningful. This really shows the potential of Cyberpunk and CD Projekt could make wonderful things with a sequel. The only reason I can't give this five stars is I found lots of technical problems I didn't even have in the base game. The game constantly got stuck during autosaves making me lose chunks of progress sometimes. Frequent crashes made exploration frustrating and sometimes I couldn't even get back in the game without restarting the console, so it's a big mess on this aspect.

Fun and flashy combat, cool visuals, and the story is interesting enough. But the enemies are so spongy that it gets very repetitive pretty soon, I lost interest after defeating the third lord. The skill tree doesn't help either as a lot of it feels like filler that doesn't make much difference so progression turns into a bit of a slog. And the same goes for the hundreds of little cutscenes that pop up every 5 minutes and don't add anything to the plot

It's crazy that this came out just 2 years after the first one with such an insane leap in quality. The level design is superb, the action is so cinematic, the writing is funny and the cast is likeable. My biggest gripe with the first one was the overreliance on shooting that made it repetitve and they tried to fix that here as well and focus on exploration more. That is, until the final levels. Soon after we get to the village in Tibet every level is a shootout after shootout after shootout after shootout with snipers and annoying enemies everywhere. It falls into its old habit and gets so repetitive and frustrating that it kinda ruined my experience and I ended up dropping it before the finale. It's a shame, but I still love the game and look forward to continuing this series

A refreshing game that, as many reviewers said, feels like it comes from the mid to late 2000s era in the best way. Except with modern graphics, and it looks gorgeous. A linear experience with super fun combat and that's it, no collectathon or padding out or microtransactions, we need more games like this. It's also nicely paced with regular new skills and weapons and by the end it feels awesome to use your whole arsenal at once.
The story is interesting enough, you can ignore it and have fun but there's also plenty of lore if you wanna get into it and they have some nice ideas, with cool character designs.
The level design could use more work, it gets a bit predictable with the periodic large arenas where you fight hordes of enemies before you explore a bit more and then repeat. It also stops introducing new types of enemies a little too soon for me and the later levels just do the "let's spawn the biggest amount of enemies you fought before all at once" thing over and over and that always throws me off and makes me lose interest when I just wanna get to the end, which is why I quit before the last level, since I felt like I had experienced everything it had to offer. But overall still a very nice game and I hope we get more like this.

This review contains spoilers

One of the most surprising games I've ever played. When I started I was confused with all the hype, it seemed like a childish game making me play hide and seek with gnomes. And then it kept surprising me at every turn with unexpected twists. I love how the story is told like a fairy tale with a narrator instead of dialogue and with actual fairy tale books you can read explaining its super interesting norse mythology and folklore. I love how dark and scary it gets. After the joyous first part it starts getting a bit like little nightmares and it just keeps getting crazier, soon you're dealing with dead babies, murder, zombies, your character (A CHILD!) covered in blood in a surrealistic nightmare, I was GAGGED. The mechanics are very simple and some of the boss fights can get a bit frustrating (especially the last one) but other than that the game is absolutely gorgeous, with an amazing story, beautiful soundtrack and I can totally understand what all the hype was about

I really don't get how this one gets kind of a bad rep when it's literally the best in the original trilogy? They finally nailed the balance between exploration and shooting, sometimes even mixing them both in the same section which felt amazing. There are still some annoying shooting sections but they aren't as bad as in the previous titles.
The escape sequences are the best, the sinking ship, the chateau on fire, the crumbling city, I loved it!! This is easily the most cinematic one, the desert part was stunning and it was really clever to save the big one towards the end instead of making the same mistake uncharted 2 did.
They could do away with the supernatural element but still it was very brief and toned down so I didn't mind it that much. My biggest complaint is probably how they tried so hard to force us into using their new melee fight mechanics, which are an improvement, for sure, but still unnecessary and clunky, especially when they throw enemies that you're forced to melee in the middle of a gunfight while being shot at. Also don't get why Cutter and Chloe kind of disappear halfway through and we never hear from them again?
But all in all my favorite of the original trilogy and I'm super excited to play the fourth

This is it, the perfect uncharted game. They nailed every single thing, everything is so polished and smooth, the gunplay, the exploration, the platforming, the introduction of driving. The characters are given so much more depth and tell a much more mature and interesting story where you actually care about them instead of being there just for laughs and to move the plot forward. The environments are so beautiful and everything is so incredibly detailed, I could keep going, I don't have a single bad thing to say about this game, I'm blown away. The inclusion of the epilogue kind of makes this a final entry which is sad cause seeing how amazing this series progressed I want another one so bad but I'm glad they went out on such a high note

Thy next foe is... the shittiest and most frustrating controls I've ever seen. And for a remake that's inexcusable, cause weren't the new controls one of the selling points of the remake? I tried the original and I literally can't tell the difference.
I guess this just isn't for everyone and it's definitely not for me. I like mysterious and ambiguous storytelling and developers getting creative, I understand how epic and cinematic this looks but I don't get the unanimous praise when the gameplay is still so frustrating and ultimately boring