4 reviews liked by tuckerdonovan

Beautiful. Just wish it didn't rely on text to tell some of its story. I felt like they did a great job with visual and audio storytelling. The letters kinda break the flow a little bit, but that's just a nitpick.

I think Arkane's design philosophy benefits from repetition and a little bit of trial and error, so the narrative solution they found with Deathloop fitted very well.

Unfortunately, I thought the beginning was pretty bad and almost made me give up on the game. Some of the progression  and upgrade systems were needlessly  complex. I'm also not a fan of randomized  loot and trinkets that add minimal improvements where make you just micromanage upgrades that don't bring any meaningful changes.

Nice pacing.
Nice art direction.
Nice climbing mechanics.

Made me cry at the end.

Smith, have a minute to share? Killer7 is tragic as shit, if you'd ask me. This guy SUDA51 one day had a wet dream about a conspiracy theory and made that into a game. The sick old man is creative, that's for sure. It's a dirty job, and someone had to do it, man. Guess that's the last chapter. The world is turning weird. And I'm starting to dig it. Piece by piece. And straight up. This place is wack.