Loving it so far! Completed both areas, putting it on hold for now until we get future updates.

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A better Fire Emblem than Engage

Chloe was strong as shit lmao

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It was fine? I thought the pacing of the final three chapters was dreadful to sit through, though.
I don't have any prior experience with ff7 and I feel like I would have gotten more out of it with prior engagement or just a straight remake, since the last few chapters were dedicated to changing the fate of a game I knew nothing about.

Cute! Didn't even realize I'd reached the end until I saw the credits sign.

It took forever but it was worth coming back. Whoof, that ending

While Radiant Dawn succeeds in telling an ambitious, arching story that continues where Path of Radiance left off, it's ambition also weighs it down with a myriad of problems (Lack of supports, limited unit availability, no strong development for the new cast, Micaiah getting shafted by the narrative).

While inferior to its predecessor, Radiant Dawn is worth playing through to see where the story of Tellius leads to and concludes.

Nailah please accept my hand in marriage

Low Chaos, will do High Chaos next time I get the stealth game itch

I've got a lot of mixed feelings about this game.

I was six years old when I first played this game on my dad's xbox, and while I remember having a lot of fun with it at the time and enjoying the worlds themselves a lot more than the original KOTOR, plotwise I...couldn't remember anything?

I think looking back, younger me was expecting a more black and white game like the original KOTOR, and a lot of the nuances of KOTOR 2's writing went over my head. (I just remembered I loved HK-47, still do)

My second go-around, I had a lot of fun with the Content Restoration patch and revisiting Nar Shaddaa and Dxun after so many years, and I got what the game was trying to do and say. tldr the Jedi can fuck up too and I'm glad that more Star Wars media has been open to explore the angle of the Jedi not being these infallible icons of serenity and peace.

However, I just...didn't really care for the overall main plot that much? The rushed endgame aside (understandable due to Obsidian's forced limitations,) the actual combat of endgame isn't compelling when you can simply Force Lightning every non-boss NPC and down them in 3 hits. I didn't feel like there was any true investment into caring about Kreia's motivations, and Atris feels like such a nothing character with wasted potential.

One day I'll replay it on the full dark side route.