To put it simply, this game is an improvement on everything Xenosaga Episode One did and it fixed many of the issues I had with the first game. The level design, story, OST, gameplay loop, combat, and so much more, are vastly superior.

To start things off this game has an actual soundtrack. Every song is a complete banger, area themes and cutscene music make every encounter stick in your head. There are also multiple combat themes so you never get bored of hearing the same old tracks again and again. Level design and environmental puzzles actually exist in this game and while there are a few that are lackluster, like the backtracking puzzle in Ormus Stronghold, and the reuse of Sakura's Subconscious Domain for the winter season, most of them are good fun and the music unironically made me not hate the time I spent in those areas.

The gameplay and combat... oh boy this is where people have problems, and that's where I say you're all WRONG! xD. Ok so realistically every encounter takes around 2-3 minutes if you play correctly, plus you can always escape from battle if you really don't wanna fight. The only problem with the length of battles is a few mandatory encounters in the final dungeon. There are only some regular enemy fights that can take around 9-10 minutes each. With that out of the way it's always fun to find the enemy's break points and using the analyze ether always tells you what attacks the enemy is weak against. The entire skill system is somewhat ok, and sometimes your characters end up having way too many similar skills and it can be a pain navigating the ether section. I don't really know what else to say about the system really... Ok now for mech combat... It sucks and it's way to simplistic/brain dead. Only one fight late into the game makes you actually think about what to do. Not a fan of it. Final gameplay is that this game has very fun side activities and side quests. I didn't do all of them but it was a nice change of pace from the combat and the minigame where you organize the bookshelves in the bookstore... PEAK. FISHING MINIGAME SUCKS THO!!!

Story and narrative. I won't go too deep into it but my general recommendation is to play the game with Japanese voices and without the censorship. The voice acting for the English is mega gimped, and the performances in the Japanese are great as always. The uncensored scenes leave a bigger impact and in particular during the final moment of the game there is a scene where two characters are talking and for some insane reason the English version decided to completely change the music of it. Very awful stuff imo. Anyway, a certain realian is definitely the star of the show for this game and a lot of characters are a lot more fleshed out in this entry. The actual plot is way more interesting than Xenosaga 1 and there is an actual structure to all of it.

Final notes. The artstyle isnt as bad as everyone says it is. Shion doesn't look better than she does in XS1, but it's not the worst thing ever. The only outright bad character models are MOMO and KOS-MOS. They did not cook with them. Also the environments look really good in this game and it's deff a step up from the first game.

Well that's all there is to it the game is KINO and not bad by any means. Don't buy into the anti-Xenosaga 2 propaganda! IT'S PEAK!!!!

Ps. don't chew me out for any spelling mistakes :D

This review contains spoilers

final boss really sucks, but good game nonetheless. waiting for albedo to wake up from his rest in when xenoblade 4 comes around in 2027

Pretty good game. Mr. snacks, wtf is wrong with u

4/10 gameplay 7/10 story. We'll round it out to a 6/10 cuz good characters. Awful gameplay loop and only worth playing to experience every other piece of Xenosaga media. Game sucks only saving grace is the plot and characters. Have fun with 12 hour long combat animations. The artstyle is the best of the trilogy surprisingly enough so that contributes to the 6/10.

sora kesera sera urara
chotto mojimoji to deeto
kokoro korori koronde mo
kitto zutto kimi to boku

yume mita mirai mina mitai
tokimeki dogimagi berirakkii
kirara ra sekirara
hitori hutari pitari

pittan tanta xenopittan
(atama no naka kurakura)
rinran ranra xenopittan
(yume no naka huwahuwa)


yoru beru ga naru tururu
chotto moshimoshi to chatto
kotoba hitokoto kawaseba
hotto haato hitoyasumi

koi shita mitai mune ippai
ukiuki yakimoki daisukkii
arara ra kurakura
hitori hutari pitari

pittan tanta xenopittan
(atama no naka kurakura)
rinran ranra xenopittan
(yume no naka huwahuwa)


So, look I didn't actually play this game but PEAK. The story is very good is all you need to know. Thank Valak Turtle for the YT vids

So, look I didn't actually play this game, but Shion getting slapped by her nii-san goes hard

Begin, Win, Win, Win, Lose, Lose, Lose, Lose, Lose, Lose, Win, Lose, Lose, Lose, Lose Less, Win, Win A Little Bit More, Lose Again, Lose Thousands Of Souls, Cry, Pick Up The Controller, Lose Again, Win, Win More, Lose, Grind, Git Gud, Try Again, Win, Triumph, CONQUER, Lose, Die, Feel Bad, Stand Up, Try Again, Win, Sexy Princess, Win Some More, Get Stronger, Become Powerful, Win, WIN, WIN, WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Roll Credits... It Was A Long Journey But It Was Worth It... Peak Fiction.
This game forced me to play clawed

I'm surprised 2 good games came out of this

I never do this, but part of me was contemplating on not completing this game because of that final boss, but I ultimately ended up pushing through. Play Sekiro and git gud

Yup on further replay this game is still a piece of shit gameplay wise. Nonetheless the story and characters are what hard carry this game and it's necessary to play this game in order to understand the two sequels. KOS-MOS, Sion, MOMO, Jr., Ziggy, and Allen are all awesome. Elsa crew is also fun. I feel bad that chaos is severely undercooked as a character. Sad.

Was it supposed to be this easy? This was my 5th fromsoft soulsgame so maybe that's why it felt so easy. I died maybe around 10 times and beat the game in around 16 hours. This game at least has some good music compared to dark souls. Other than that it felt like beta DS1. Pretty fun overall even if 99% of the bosses where a cakewalk.

Terrible boss design. Too easy. Beat in less than 20 hours. The first hunter was good tho even if I beat him first try. Overall I'm very disappointed and was expecting much better coming from fromsoftware specifically in the boss department. My 6th and worst ranked soulsborne game. Elden Ring will not disappoint me I hope