they should have stopped making roguelites after this one

they should also not have made the events in this one require memorization or googling of how to get the good outcome but y'know, details

i was really surprised at how many little systems were in this that they either came back to much later (dismount) or completely gave up on (fatigue)

it's quite hard, which i love, but it also basically has no support conversations, which i hate. i;m genuinely not sure what i think about it yet, i'll come back to this one

massively more fun to think and talk about than to actually play

i'm not active with this one anymore but i like to have a copy lying around for when my internet is down. it's a very good roguelike and it doesn't have a lot of the problames (i typed it this way by accident and im just keeping it cos it sounds cute) that annoy me about nethack, while having its own exciting set of problems

so there's two things that are on my mind about this one

1. the framing of the characters' stories makes the game seem like a series of tabletop rpg oneshots and i really like that

2. the obligatory sts clone elements -- daily challenge, ascensions, the unlock treadmill -- are just detrimental. i grew up with mtg, i'd read set spoilers on the weekend before prerelease tournament day. i promise you're not going to overwhelm me if you give me access to your comparatively tiny pool of cards immediately.

so, i don't know. in a lot of ways the game is great, but what do the cookie cutter gameplay elements do for it except for inflate playtime for those who will bother with it? i know i'm not gonna, anyway.

usual "gacha is the devil" disclaimer

but you know what, i do really like it. it got me to seek out a lot of other games in the series as well and it turned out i liked those too.