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I wanted to say goodbye to Bad Company 2 after its servers were shut down in November last year, so I finished the campaign mode for the first time. I spent more than 100 hours in the multiplayer mode, but now that the servers are down, there is no need to make an evaluation on it. Therefore, this review will be all about the campaign mode.

Starting with the story, the campaign revolves around the cliché "Let's not let the damn Russians destroy our America!". If the game took itself too seriously, I wouldn't have given the story a passing grade, but the game makes fun of its subject matter and the humour is quite good. The cliché of our close-knit team of friends saving the country is not told through Call of Duty reality, but through their own absurdities and humour. For this reason, instead of taking the existing plot seriously, I tried to enjoy the gameplay mechanics, which are very solid for its time. For this reason, the game does not get a minus point from me in terms of story, but when it comes to the presentation of the story, it is a bit uninspiring compared to the Call of Duty I just compared. Although Call of Duty (especially the Modern Warfare games of the Bad Company era) have scenarios that are too exaggerated to be realistic, it tries to tell this not with cutscenes where we see our character from the outside, but by embedding it into the game itself in a scripted way without detaching us from the atmosphere. This manages to create the illusion that we are involved in the current plot. However, after the chapter we play in Bad Company 2 ends, we watch a cutscene after a black screen. This situation interrupts the fluency and integrity. As for the gameplay, the variety of weapons is quite sufficient for the playing time, the action is satisfying, especially when a headshot occurs, enemy physics exhibit animations that reflect the power of this hit, which makes the action more satisfying. Enemy and friendly NPC intelligence is very very bad. If you create a squad that you want us to bond with in the campaign, you should reflect this in the gameplay. However, in terms of gameplay, I never felt that my squad members were with me because they often get bugged and glitched. This can be quite annoying. Enemies can be positioned in a way that can look ridiculous in a battle environment, and this hurts the battle ambience. I finished the game on normal difficulty and the enemies were still quite aggressive. I died a lot in the game. The graphics are great for 2010! The game looks amazing especially in the snowy sections! The game looks much better than any Call of Duty game at the time. If you are hungry for FPS, Bad Company 2 is still an enjoyable shooter game that you can spend 3-4 hours with today's standards. If you've just discovered it, I'm really sorry for you for missing the Multiplayer era, but Bad Company 2 is ready for you to spend a few hours!

There is not much technical improvement over the first game. They have already been released as short as 1 year apart. Enemy type is diversified. Double barrel shotgun, or The Super Shotgun as the game calls it, was added to the game and this is the only new weapon added to the game. These were minor changes and now, if we come to the major change, the producers, who designed very cryptic levels towards the end of the first game, increased this in Doom II. The game starts in the first levels without showing much difference from the first game, but it immediately reveals its difference in the 2nd level. Progressing from simpler to more cryptic and more complex levels from the first game welcome us. Especially towards the end, the game is spent trying to understand what the object you need to interact with is. In the last levels, the game does not clearly show you what the button is that will activate the mission object and you find it as if it were a secret. The number and aggressiveness of the enemies has definitely increased. I felt more action in this game. I expected to be satisfied by seeing the difference of the much praised Doom II from Doom I, but I did not see a big improvement. I still like and appreciate both games at the same level. I also appreciate the level design development that the producers have shown since the first game with this game.

Not a bad Doom clone at all. The weapons are quite varied and besides that, you can upgrade weapons to make them even more varied. For example, the iconic weapon of Doom II, the Super Shotgun, is also available in this game, and you can upgrade the Super Shotgun from double barrel to quad barrel. Levels differ in texture and theme. My favourite levels were the ones belonging to the chapter set in an industrial environment. There is a boss battle at the end of each chapter and they are quite easy to fight on normal difficulty. But I distinguish the last boss from the others. Unless you pay attention to ammunition management, it is completely by chance that you fight and win against this boss consisting of 5 phases. I'm quite satisfied with this little Doom clone and I'll try the 2nd game when it's on sale.