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13 hrs ago

urlrot backloggd The Neverhood

13 hrs ago

urlrot is now playing Devil May Cry

1 day ago

urlrot reviewed Severed Steel
a lot of the levels are designed terribly in the first couple chapters, but it gets better as it goes on. it's a way better game when they focus on more open levels rather than tight corridors and small rooms
the screen can get really messy and annoying with how much shit is going on at once, the extremely bright neon lights do not help with this at all
i really liked the movement and gunplay and how you are invincible whenever you're doing any stunts. it's a fun enough gameplay loop to leave me with a generally positive feeling on the game as a whole despite my complaints
really good atmo d&b soundtrack

1 day ago

urlrot finished Severed Steel
a lot of the levels are designed terribly in the first couple chapters, but it gets better as it goes on. it's a way better game when they focus on more open levels rather than tight corridors and small rooms
the screen can get really messy and annoying with how much shit is going on at once, the extremely bright neon lights do not help with this at all
i really liked the movement and gunplay and how you are invincible whenever you're doing any stunts. it's a fun enough gameplay loop to leave me with a generally positive feeling on the game as a whole despite my complaints
really good atmo d&b soundtrack

1 day ago

urlrot completed Severed Steel

1 day ago

1 day ago

urlrot finished Feather Park

1 day ago

urlrot completed Feather Park

1 day ago

urlrot finished Thwack

1 day ago

urlrot completed Thwack

1 day ago

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