In a certain way, I can see this game as the Robert Eggers' version of A Brighter Summer Day, which still makes it only the second most haunting version of the story.

I can't believe how sad this game makes me feel, some may think a scarier story would be more memorable but I know the realism behind this Eastern tale of family and desperation will stick with me just as Detention did. Not for the horror of its imagery (although), but for the horror of its meaning.

These Dark Souls' rip-offs are getting absurdly blatant.
... nah, who am I kidding, this game is a gem.

I remember playing this game when I was like seven or something and I swear it has the graphics of MK11 in my memories.

On some level, I was willing to ignore this filth even existed as long as the cash it made would've gone into funding the third Jensen game. Then the devs were told to make Marvel's Avengers. Just fuck off, Square.

I'm gonna tell my kids this was madoka magica.

Bloodborne is, together with C. Mieville, what made me fall in love and ruined every other Lovecraftian fiction. I wish more modern gothic horror narratives dealt in such a complete and creative way with tropes such as men versus gods, the grasp for knowledge and purpose in a mysterious, uncaring cosmos, anti-myths and so on.

Technically and structurally fundamental for visual novels and puzzle games to come, but insanely difficult to complete without a guide and with a main character whose fundamental traits revolve around dealing with serious moments by acting like a lecher. Not even kidding, almost half of the game script is about sex jokes, and not even funny ones.
The pixel art, music and general ideas are stunning, but ultimately misused and relevant only as the solid foundation they represented for eroge to come.

This is so hollywood run-of-the-mill thriller right down to what makes them predictable, boring, sexists or just ludicrous to follow. I don't think anyone is supposed to take these games seriously if they to have fun.

I'm glad they used the concept from the first trailer to make the last of us.

This is like the Fallout 76 of single player games.

The main characters did everything the bad guy told them to do up until the end, knowing full well that meant causing the apocalypse, then they acted like they were trying to prevent the apocalypse.
The music is very nice tho.

Some home appliances malfunction and assault humans but this game berates me for trying to do the right thing by scrapping them. I mean, okay David Cage, next time I'll just live without my fridge I guess.

Few things in gaming narrative will ever top James confronting Maria on the other side of the jail bars.

"I will not die until I achieve something.
Even though the ideal is high, I never give in.
Therefore, I never die with regrets.
Alas, Ikaruga is going . . .
Undesired, unwanted them, What makes them go?
It is nothing else than the principle of the man who has the reason for being."
music kicks in

This game is f-ing lit.

Paradox and Creative Assembly wished that their grand strategy games were half as fun and as varied as playing this is.