the more i think about it the worse it gets. so i will simply stop thinking about it. console mod support should invigorate my love for this game again tho

i love this game but it should be a lot cheaper than it actually is

i cant help but embrace the cringe brothers

theorhetically should be worse than 1.5 and 2.5 but this is the only one that has dream drop distance....... soooooo....

i so wish the story didnt suck ass bc it has some of my favorite characters from any media ever in it

it's trying to escaoe the cringe and that makes it so much worse. no, my child, embrace it. that's why we love you. where the fuck are the ff characters

shit changed my life when it first came out

god i love ryuji and ann and akechi and maruki and

overall good but i hate how it throws away shit that royal introduced. also get that police officer OUT of here, the point of vanilla p5and p5r is that they sucked. you cant change my mind now


this game is only worth it for connor, the rest sucks

objectively bad but i enjoyed it sorry

i want to rate this game better so badly but the episodes being so disconnected from each other just suuucks