story is way too mid to justify the poor gameplay and all the bugs the game has

used to play the shit out of this. i remember it being rather grindy and sometimes frustrating, but the dress-up stuff was fun.

the only things that are really good about this game are the graphics and the fashion function. the story isn’t great and at times is just incomprehensible gibberish, a lot of the ‘gameplay’ just revolves around clicking x buttons for x amount of time each day and mashing together clothes with the highest rating so you can pass a stage, the life-sim stuff feels very barebones and tedious, the game is severely lacking in user-friendly features and the ui is atrocious, and to top it all off it’s grindy and p2w as hell.

but man, it’s so fun just spending hours customizing your character and coming up with new outfit combinations to the point where i can overlook everything that sucks about the game.

the art and presentation of the game are all really well done, but it just felt sorta gimmicky to me. the time loops are all too short to feel like they really mean anything, so the main aspect of the game was really just ‘how many different versions of the princess can you get?’ rather than a cohesive narrative. i know i probably didn’t come close to seeing all variations after just slightly over one play-through, but after i got an ending i didn’t really feel inclined to go back through the game again.

aside from a bunch writing decisions that i felt were pretty dumb, the game and story were largely enjoyable, and i really liked the ending that i got.

not a bad game by any means—the production values are really high and the art is pretty nice. but the story and the characters were just uninteresting to me after like 10 or however chapters, so i just called it quits.

the music, atmosphere, and story are all top-notch. some cheesy dialogue aside, the characters are all very well written and interesting with unique roles in the story. the story is layered and complex with great build up to a twist at the end of the story. if i had to say something negative then it’d be that the combat can be clunky, but it didn’t bother me that much. silent hill 2 certainly lives up to its reputation.

the aesthetics, style, music, and gameplay are all fine, but my enjoyment of the game was significantly hampered by the frequent backtracking and tedium that was present throughout. you have limited inventory slots, which is normally not a problem for me, but when you need to collect items to solve a puzzle or something, you’ll need to have multiple spaces free for items and if not, you have to run all the way back to a save room, going through doors and doors and doors (each with like a 5 second unskippable cutscene) to place some of your stuff in an item box, then go all the way back to the place you were before so you can pick up items that you need to solve a puzzle. and then there’s another puzzle that needs that blue jewel that you got a long time ago that you put in the item box because you couldn’t find a place to use it, so you need to run all the way back and to the place again for one item. the time i took to play this game was severely bloated by the sheer amount of time i spent backtracking, looking at doors, and looking at maps so i could spend the least amount of time possible looking at doors to find my way back to a save room. i enjoyed the game a lot overall, but the amount of tedium, even for a less modern game, is ridiculous.