can smell this game and everyone who plays it through the monitor

pretty cool but has a weird thing going with the jew magic (??????)

party game for the sane, something broken and destructive for those who roam the internet, lonely and afraid

I will forever love saber until the day I die

this isn't an rts game there is no strategy involved, its fan service for halo nerds

poorly made fever dream, but an interesting fever dream

witty dialogue "uh that just happened" 3 years before the first marvel movie came out and does it well enough that you don't hate them after it

I may step on toes here, but this is the best collectathon in history

the best doom game fight me

music is good I like music

not only is this game outdated, it wasn't even up to market standard when it released. whoever was in charge of directing this game was huffing paint thinner or something

bethesda stole my copy from me

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cannibalism for oldschool vn fans

outside of small issues, one of the best adventure experiences available on the market for a small group of friends