I don't think there's anything in this game worthy of praise

sowed the seeds for a wave of internet atheism that society still has yet to overcome

This game is evidence that competitive players are the scum of the earth, incapable of having fun. So what if its unbalanced? Invasion is still unmatched by any other halo multiplayer mode

the singleplayer is so goofy but captures a very specific state of mind that I think the world is better without yet very entertaining.

detonating an atom bomb because you feel like it is not a complex moral choice

I used to think this was one of the least compelling halo games, until I just let everything else I knew go, and just allowed myself to enjoy it. Despite everything, this game captures the imagination and wonder that so much of modern sci-fi neglects.

that main theme still fucks with me

the only multiplayer online arena any person ever needed

the worst game to ever be technically functional

like ice skating through the air (may give you mechanophilia)

not a single 4 player coop shooter has surpassed this game

very fun and extremely influential, but definitely lacking in some areas and excessive in others

redefined what it meant to be a hack n slash