182 Reviews liked by waterbakey

Starts off super strong with fantastic art design and genuinely engaging language mechanics. I was thinking that this is what I wanted Heaven's Vault to be. For most of the game I was having a blast doing the language puzzles and I didn't even mind some of the gameplay deviations like the stealth segments. The game unfortunately falls apart at the leadup to the final area with an extremely tedious math puzzle as well as the final area where if you don’t want to get the completely nothing basic ending you have to do obscene amounts of backtracking through the massive levels with no map if you want to actually get the real ending. It’s just super deflating how hard the game just fell flat on its ass right at the end. I just came off of this game feeling disappointed and I think its utter praise its getting is kind of unwarranted. Really kind of reminds me of how I ended up feeling about Norco last year. Still I think it’s worth playing, just set your expectations accordingly.

Very solid and I actually liked it more than the first Sigil because it had less confusing level design and less crushers and darkness. Final encounter is rather annoying though. Looking forward to Hellion.

I unabashedly love the Phantom Thieves and have voraciously consumed as much Persona 5 content that I can stomach, but this feels like it's reaching the limits of what's reasonable with this series. The game still has a solid Persona 5 core and the gameplay itself is serviceable, but it shows its cracks with some repetitiveness in terms of both the gameplay and story, retreading ground that it feels like these heroes have already trodden. Tactica also felt needlessly lengthened with a final act that had me re-fighting the game's previous bosses in a long, almost entirely non-voice acted gauntlet which reeked of padding. Despite my negativity, it was still enjoyable to spend some time with the Phantom Thieves, I'm just ready for Atlus to move on.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is a breath of fresh air in more than one way for 2D Mario games and has easily become one of my favorite platformers out there.

The artstyle is great, the controls are responsive and precise and the animations are just smooth. You can really feel the amount of dedication the developers put into the game, every level has an unique Wonder Flower gimmick and the talking flowers were a personal highlight for me. It's really just a blast to play!

There are still some nitpicks I have with it. First of all, why can't different players in multiplayer equip different badges? I don't think this can be blamed on hardware limitations. Second thing, there should've been a way to play traditional online co-op and not just the "ghost mode". Oh well, maybe Nintendo thought it wouldn't work after the amounts of lag in Mario Maker 2's versus mode. Who knows! Then there's the thing with the Yoshis and Nabbit (you've probably heard it a thousand times now). They really shouldn't be locked behind a whole difficulty and the other way around, cause if you're a legit fan of these characters you can't play them without having a whole different experience. Last but not least, something feels off about the structure of levels in general. While they all feel unique in a way, they're... too simple at times. I'm not talking about the difficulty, I'm talking about the placement of things. Can't quite put my finger on what it is.

Overall Wonder was a fantastic experience though and I'll surely be going for 100% completion. Despite the small flaws I've mentioned, it's one of the most fun games this year and I really appreciate the hard work of the developers, hope they got a fat paycheck for working on this :p

Man, I don't know. With games like these there is so little to say that hasn't been said already, especially in the praising area. Yes, this is one of the best survival horror games of all time, yes the story is the perfect amount of cheesy, and the gameplay is great and everything, but for some reason I did not connect with it as much. Usually I'm able to distinguish why I don't like a game(almost always the flaws in that game), but this game is fairly flawless. I was considering giving this a higher rating just out of respect, but I feel like this score more reflects what I think. I mean a 4/5 is phenomenal in my book, and absolutely a must play, and all of this is said in the perspective of people talking about it as if it's a top 10 game of all time(which I'm not denying). I do have some qualms with the game but they aren't necessarily relevant to why I didn't enjoy this game as much as I wanted to, but I still had a great time, even if I was disappointed by the insane expectations I had.

Awesome sauce! Deconstructeam made another certified banger. Using tarot cards to tell what is going to happen in the story is really cool concept that was always intriguing. It felt like a game where your choices really did matter and would come back to bite you at the end. Building the cards is actually really fun too I'm not really into like creative things like that but it was relaxing to design the art on my deck.

Cool story, cool world, cool characters, last couple chapters were extra fun as they added more gameplay than just talking to people (which was fine).

Just a good game!

There are almost 600 reviews already but not one sonnet. So here goes:

A brutal axe slashes right at my face.
I knife parry while dynamite explodes
then whirl around and empty clips with grace;
blasting at filthy parasites exposed.

Heart attacks wait around every corner;
each encounter abounds with gripped tension.
Static no more - frenetic, sans torpor,
yet more options to fight apprehension.

This time I have a friend, not a burden;
a teammate that I miss when she is gone.
Each NPC became their own person,
fleshed out, built up, and much improved upon.

Despite a taste for slower paced RE,
this remake scores a big BINGO from me.

I was lucky to get this a little early and I've finished my first playthrough but I'm far from done. Resident Evil sets a new standard for remakes again

Incredible remake of an incredible game. I was very much in the "RE4 doesn't need a remake" camp, but regardless of whether or not it needed one, this is pretty much a perfect game.

i have no dick and i must cream

wait what the fuck...bioshock 2 is actually the best bioshock game?

holds up surprisingly well. the first 3/4ths of this game really is one of the coolest gaming experiences out there. game really nose dives at the end though.

Essentially what makes base Postal 2 in any way interesting is the fact that you can play the game completely pacifist and avoid all combat. When you do that the game shifts from a mediocre shooter mostly filled with the dumbest jokes the early 2000's could offer into a unique experience where a beleaguered everyman just trying to go about his day to day life has to survive the world progressively getting more insane around him. This almost immersive sim level of design is what makes the game and if you can stomach the kind of humor edgy Bush era teenagers thought was the funniest shit and now is even more embarrassing in retrospect (Though the game does have some good jokes at times, like Postal Dude asking you to sign his petition will never get old) than base game Postal 2 is worth it.

Even though it's a movie tie-in, this is genuinely an amazing game and i'd go as far to say it's better than Tomb Raider.
It's one of my all time favorites and maybe growing up with the game made me biased, but it has such fun exploration, amazing atmosphere supplemented by well timed and truly great music, and rewarding collectathon elements on top of that where i just can't give it any less but 5 stars.
The levels are divided into sections, each ended by finding a key that allows you to progress to the next section. However if you find all the collectibles in a section, the key fills up with a little drop of blood. All of these add up in the extras menu allowing you to unlock neat bonuses typical for games at that time.
It takes a lot of exploring, good perception and puzzle solving to 100% the game.
Also it has fun combat where you're either blasting mummies to shreds with pistols and a tommygun, or you can choose to master blocking and countering with a sword, it's pretty satisfying.