It's cool. Grab it on sale, check it out.

I suck at this game but I love it so much.

I think this is such a cool game. Music and visuals are beautiful, it has a really interesting take on difficulty and progression. The secrets are very satisfying to figure out. When you somehow get super overpowered, it's such a blast.

The trick is to name your disease something funny

A critical part of gaming history, well-designed, I just don't enjoy playing it much.

When I was a kid, I did the hand sign he does while making whoosh noises in a parking lot, and my mom thought I was flipping her off

It's probably "objectively" the best Pikmin game, but if that's the case, then why don't I like it as much as 2? Never finished this, and my Wii U is definitely not still hooked up to the TV, but I'd love to go back to it someday.

It's beautiful, ambitious, effective, enthralling. I love every moment, even the boring ones, even the really sad ones. You are never not feeling something when you're playing this game. I still need to finish it, and I've been putting it off because I'll be sad to be done with this game I've been playing for pretty much a decade.

There are just better MMOs out there. I never stick with this one for long.

I love this game. WOTC or not, mods or not, it's really great.

This game isn't very good, but I loved it as a kid.

I have more nostalgia for this one than Mario Kart 64, even if I know it's not as good, and I'm sure it's aged very poorly. Such fond memories of this game. The atmosphere was really weird, I loved exploring the hub area, having planes was great, the cast was a bunch of goobers. It had that same "scariness" that the movie Fantasia did to little kid me, if that makes sense to anyone.

Just plain ol' stupid fun, with really great art.

What a cool idea for an expansion. I mean, zombies are overdone and they were back then too, but this is like a Blood Dragon level of "let's just go a different direction and have fun with it" type of expansion. And it was pretty good!

I need to revisit this. I didn't like it very much as a kid, but people seem to look back on it fondly. I remember liking the atmosphere and how it felt different from other Zelda games at the time, but I dunno.