The art direction is what it is, it's not my thing, but it's fine. The gameplay is really fun though, I remember being really impressed by the overall game-feel when this first came out. Never got around to finishing it, but sometimes this goes on sale for like $1, so you might as well give it a go.

All MOBAs are bad, but at least this isn't as bad as LoL.

They tried something new, it didn't work out. We've all seen the AVGN video, we've all seen the Sequelitis, it is what it is.

I really like the art direction, but that's about all I can say of it

The stealth-iest stealth game to ever stealth. I prefer MGS and Hitman, but this is like - all about stealth. Not stealth action, not social stealth and manipulation, just pure infiltration with gadgets and decibel meters and I'm SO bad at it, but I think it's great.

Kick, punch, it's all in the mind

I need to finish this. It's got a lot of really cool and unique stuff going on for it. It's not perfect, but wow. Nothing else quite like it.

It's probably not as good as I think it is, but I've played this game so many times. It was all the rage when I was in elementary school, and I love it so much. I can still hear the battle music in my head, and the pixel art was really incredible. I loved the idea of using your spells outside of battle to do environmental puzzle stuff, and I loved the djinni summon/passive/spell rotation system. It's very, very special. Just maybe not quite as special if you're coming to it for the first time now.

Had fun with it for a while, but really not that impressed.

Really fun fighting game! Stupid (in a good way) story! I'm not a pro fighting game player, I just like the kombo systems and of course fatalities are always nice. Looks great, sounds great. The weird exploration treasure chest mode is a nice break from nonstop fighting, the tower stuff is fine. Overall really solid. One of the best fighters I've played in years.

I remember that I beat it, and I remember that it sucked. I don't remember literally anything else about it.

Ambitious and interesting. I'm a sucker for unconventional narratives. The acting is generally good with some bad bits here and there. Still need to finish it, but I have a text file on my desktop where I was just taking notes and trying to piece things together. Games that make you do that are always a treat.

Can't go wrong with Dragon Quest

It's pretty, but it's boring.

I killed the throne once and immediately died, but it was in early access so I was using a character that I'm too bad at the game to unlock, so that's where my journey ends. I really like this game though, and I loved following its development in early access. It felt like the gold standard for usage of the early access platform.