Easily the best written rockstar game. Shame that there are no gameplay innovations whatsoever.

I hate when game's hide important plot behind new game plus, but I loved this game's style and

Please dear god I hope this game gets finished.

This game is juvenile and racist in a way that could really only happen in the early 2000s. However it plays like a trashy Deus Ex and is legitimately fun sometimes.

Game's aren't built to last like this anymore. I played on LAN for the first time with 3 friends and had the time of my life. You'll never get that experience with Apex or Fortnite.

GBA version of the game. It doesn't have a fucking win screen. 0/10

Should have bought it on my phone.

There were a few moments that really worked for me but I can't say it was most of the game.

The GBA version of this game is actually sick as hell.

Makes the first game look like a beta test or something

Crazy how short this game is with save states

Dunkey said it best. The gunplay can't hold a candle to the RE4 remake, but the RE4 remake doesn't have a musical number.

I love the aesthetics of this game, wish it had better level design and more enemy variety

The base game should have had the super shotgun.