9 reviews liked by willuigi

this game is so dumb it rules.

I know some people don't really like this one compared to the original, but I really enjoyed this! The gameplay is super fun, yet very different from the original. It's really engaging though and made me somewhat addicted. I got so attached that one day when I was off work, I played for about 8 hours straight. Story wise, it's extremely intriguing, and I'm excited to see what happens in the next installments. I heavily recommend playing this if you enjoyed the original!

contROLLING the protagonist was SUCH A PAIN..and i think anyone could get some motion sickness from this game. muscled through it but i question why

Really fun and unique gameplay! But the story likes to get in the way often and it's extremely short. Actually baffled they still sell this for 25 bucks without a sale considering the length and how... "frugally-developed" it feels. Also why the fuck does it install a launcher? It's unobtrusive, sure, but a single game shouldn't INSTALL a fucking launcher.

I don't know if I'd call it the best Kingdom Hearts game, but I like it. Similar to FFVIIR, I get the disdain, although unlike it, I do feel some of it is a little unwarranted.

story is good but the characters are kinda uninteresting, the gameplay is awfull tho way too many slow walking sections, a lot of limitations in movement for example no jumping button or cant even walk of a cliff even tho i want to, combat is good but the camera is way too zoomed in

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is being held back by unnecessary filler parts and a finale that drags on for much longer than needed as it throws you from boss fight to boss fight, but otherwise offers entertaining gameplay and engaging writing, while it also adds some welcome new content compared to the original game that makes the city of Midgar and its residents feel more fleshed out.

So this is one of those games that gets lauded as a modern gaming classic. A game that sets the benchmark for deep storytelling within games with 10/10 scores across the board. While I did enjoy the game overall, I didn’t think it quite lived up to the critical acclaim.

There’s plenty of good within the game. Visually, it looks incredible - especially playing it on the PS5, the game looks incredibly stunning and enhances the already stellar presentation. The gameplay isn’t a complete departure from the previous games in the series - it has the familiar hack and slash gameplay but within a different context, and it totally nails the combat when done right. There’s some great humour and the writing is generally pretty fun.

But when you take a step back, there’s quite a few things holding the game back from being the masterpiece it is. The game is perhaps longer than it needs to be with some noticeable padding near the end of the game. This results in the game feeling a bit repetitive after a while. While the long stretches of walking and climbing can feel immersive at first, when you take a step back they’re merely just a bridge between the fast paced combat. While previous God of War games had you battling several Greek Gods and Goddesses, here you only encounter three Norse Gods with the majority of your boss battles being the same repeated giant battles. Then the game ends on a pretty underwhelming cliffhanger just as it starts to pick up.

This is definitely not a bad game. I was sucked into it and played it in rather long stretches, and when it nails what it’s going for, it’s great. However, the kinks do end up preventing the game from being the classic it’s been lauded as. Hopefully Ragnarok irons out the kinks and delivers on the promise set up from this game.