Insomniac is back at it again, with another of their Spider-Man games. The combat is largely the same, traversal is largely the same, story is largely the same. It's more of the same safe, high production value super hero stuff. Not that I'm too down on it, I liked it enough to get a Platinum. I just don't think it's anything incredible.

Cumbersome RPG mechanics, gameplay camera, combat systems, One-Shot camera, Atreus gameplay, traversal, god awful puzzles, and quite underwhelming fights. Very pretty and well presented. Clearly a very expensive project.

No game will ever surpass this. Ever.

Was addicted to this game for years. Constant shifts in the meta, new content, new maps, pois, etc. Not once is it not shoving new insanity into your face. It’s overwhelming and that’s from someone with over 1000 hours. Has massively impacted the hellscape that is modern gaming.

Basic gameplay, 1vs100 pvp obstacle coursing. Fun with friends, but most games are.

Combat, cinematics, graphics, music, all top notch. That being said, it’s the first 5 hours of FFVII stretched to 30. Love FFVII and this game, but it’s shortcomings are obvious. Story is changed, stretched and drawn out unnecessarily. Characters have very… weird dialogue. Good game. Looking forwards to the rest of the trilogy.

Finally, what Pokemon should have done in it’s first Switch entry; realizing the world and experimenting.

A modern masterpiece. Great platforming, gameplay loop, loads of levels to play, unique challenges for those who want it, and a touching story that hit me hard during a time when I needed it.

Awesome. Unique puzzle solving mechanics, great puzzles.

Watch the story of sad dad tank controls Kratos in God of Boy. Good story and performances. Not much else.

A masterclass in player choice driven design. My game of the year for 2022 without a doubt.

Addicting. Played 8 hours straight on my first session.