I mean yeah the gameplay in 1 is clunky and the ending in 3 is bad (as is a lot of the way 3 plays out narratively) and (at least to me) 2 is a coward's game that only manages to perpetuate the system of narrative independence by completely abandoning and distancing itself from actually dealing with the repercussions of the player's actions in 1 but i dont know, probably a top 3 space opera franchise in all of media and despite my complaints each game is amazing, the characters are incredibly beloved and memorable, the world is engaging and engrossing, its Mass Effect man, I don't need to sell y'all on this.

haven't played in years but getting up to nonsense on LAN with my friends during alpha-era are some of my favorite memories ever

I defended this game for like 9 years but man im sorry it kinda sucks

Probably the greatest video game ever made. Hard to describe the 07-09 Xbox Live era if you weren't there but playing multiplayer was a near magical experience. You'd randomly get invited to custom games after matchmaking and end up playing some of the wildest forge maps I've ever seen with a bunch of people you've never met and no game has ever come close to recreating the community feel that Halo 3 had. Perfect video game.

cant tell whether to give this 5 or 0.5 but i think this is accurate. the gameplay is good and the writing worked well in 2012 and i probably got hundreds of hours of incredible fun out of playing this with my friends but also if i ever hear another line of dialogue from claptrap i might stop playing video games for ever


the game is not good but i think some people on this website are just haters, how do you even have the emotional capacity to have strong feelings about Brink (2011)

probably the worst modern COD overall of the ones i've played just because it feels the least necessary, which is really saying something at this point

bad fallout game, boring bethesda game, the best part is the feature where they ripped off minecraft. most disappointing game of my life

i gave this a chance i really did but all of the characters are so insanely boring to me. how do you have a mass effect game with bad characters. that likes the whole thing with mass effect

Half-Life 1 is one of the greatest video games ever made and Black Mesa is a straight up better version of it. GOAT level design

i have never related to a character in my life more than i related to Mae in February of 2017. The writing in this game is some of my favorite writing in any media ever. the art style is perfect. die anywhere else is a pop punk classic. one of the few games to make me cry

they took ender's game and gundam and a whole bunch of other science fiction and made it about lesbians and the collapse of reality. A+ perfect no notes maybe the greatest piece of media ever created

this shit weird as fuck but i cant lie i loved it as a kid

begging them to find a new slant for these games. the stories nowadays are utter garbage and the only new stuff they can think of each gen is a new form of "Big Evolution" cmon do better