Quite good for its age. Huge improvement over Contracts which is just two years older.

When looking at it objectively this game is not very good but i'm blinded by nostalgia.

i don't care how good the story is tartarus is just the worst

Beat it and enjoyed it but probably couldn't go back and play it again.
Most of the game is spent grinding and navigating maps that are too large and confusing.

Very interesting and surreal to look at this game after playing ARR.
Sort of wish there were classic servers but from what I've played and what I've heard, it's not worth it.

Feel like this game shouldn't exist.

It's nothing particularly special but still fun.

The best Persona spinoff. Having to map out the dungeons is really fun, the soundtrack is great and there's a lot of stuff to do.

Controls are not so good, and there are very few levels.
The game gets extremely repetitive by the end.
However, since it's a Katamari game it's still quite fun.

Didn't play the singleplayer campaign but the multiplayer's pretty good.