For the longest time this game has consistently been one of if not my favorite game of all time, even more so than Portal 2, and while the boring answer to why I like it more is just "le atmosphere" I feel life I finally have a more concrete and introspective way of answering why.

This game is like being in GLaDOS's brain

Don't care + L + Ratio + Didn't Finish

genuinely a game this good shouldn't exist

This review contains spoilers

(joke review)


(actual review)
So this game is.... hard to explain. Both because of its complexity as well as its experience being VERY spoiler reliant. So with this I'm gonna make 2 reviews, one for the game for people who want to experience it for themselves, and the other for people who just wanna hear what I have to say

So Slay the Princess is a game where you are told to slay a princess, thats all I can say about it. It's incredibly choice driven with tons of surrealist twists and turns within it, and its hard to elaborate cause that would kinda ruin it
But it's super interesting and cool and I'd recommend it.

(Spoiler review)
Slay the Princess is a game about how perception warps our reality, in this case it's literal. However we interpret the princess (or atleast we interpret the princess (keep this plural in mind)) is literally what creates her personality and appearance. Along with this, our personality also changes as well, everytime we die, or the world resets, not only does the princess change to our perspective, but also we gain a "voice", based on our experiences. These voices act alot like the narrator, in the sense that they try to guide us towards a specific direction, with each having their own name and personality. (Voice of the smitten, voice of the broken, etc.) Anyway, the princess is a being that is fueled by different perspectives, and at one point, you redo these chapters as a way to "build" her true form, and in a sense, gain more perspective too. By the end of the game, it's literally a confrontation of you and her, both arguing for your own perspective, and there for determining the fate of.. well basically everything. There's so much, I haven't haven't talked about the narrator or each of the different princesses or whatever, but, it's a really fucking interesting game and experience and I highly recommend it

When I was playing this game I got super sick of the grinding at one point so I tried to make it to the end of the game and got to the final boss only to realize that I was in no way strong enough to beat them and that I needed to do more grinding to which I then had a mental breakdown

Then again though I genuinely might give it another try at some point cause this was roughly 5 or so years ago

Honestly you might think this game sucks but it's kind of a perfect adaptation for what was a really terrible creepypasta made by a weirdo.
Plus idk I just find it genuinely respectable with the idea that the person who made this game was like "eh, why not, I'll make a game based on this random creepypasta I found, could be cool"
It's less so the game and more so just the source material that sucks, even if the game itself still does suck

Idk though at some point I wanna see an interpretation of "Sonic murders all of his friends" that's unironically good as hell

I've never played this game but I just learned about it and leaving a 1/10 review is just really funny to me considering there's no way to even play it now

Ik this is a shitpost game but this game is unironically like 10 times more fun to play gameplay wise than something like Ban Ban is

If these games were just released for free or for really cheap (like, 1 or 2 dollars a chapter cheap), while making most of the cash from merchandise or something, I'd honestly find this series enduring. Cause like, there are some genuinely cool ideas in this series here and there (for example the press the clock to progress time thing), as well as just a really enjoyable (though mostly ironically enjoyable) story.
Though despite that, its creation is so obviously meant for the sole of making a quirky and wacky horror mascot game to make money with little care that actually making people spend 30 dollars for the entire series feels like a money laundering scheme.
It's made specifically to be a product, but it's also just genuinely incompetent. And like, I love terrible and weird storylines, I do, and if these games were free or cheaper, I'd rate the different chapters something like a 3 or a 4, cause again, there is SOME value to get out of them (Probably not the first chapter tho cause honestly it's just bad all around). But when you combine that with something that was made most likely just to appeal to a market, as well as just making it more expensive than games that like, actually care, you're left with something that just feels gross

Either gonna be Yandere Simulator or a masterpiece
Hard to say lol

Thinks it's the best game in the series
Also thinks it contains the most genuinely insulting end to a character arc I've ever seen in a piece of media

I have a toxic relationship with this series

"I started playing as a joke and now I love it please help"

It was never a joke, I unironically like it

Its a really good "idk I have ADHD so I need something to do while watching a tv show or watching youtube" game

CW: Suicide/Depression

"I hope you keep going anyway. Always keep going. Don't give up like me. You never know how much more time you have."

What you get out of this game is very dependent on you as a person. For some, it is misery, for others, it could be a sign to never lose hope and keep going.
I personally got the later. Even if, it was a depressing ending, with a sad way for everything to end, in the end of the day, it's a cautionary tale. It's a direct letter from the dev of this game, begging us not to go down the same path he did, even if he didn't realize it at the time. While life is sad and depressing, and there are many moments for us to be miserable about, there will always be people we care about, and music to leave us happy in the fleeting moments, and despite everything, we need to remain hopeful
Of course, this isn't to invalidate the negative experience someone may have with this game, cause I understand, it's a horribly depressing experience. However, this is what I personally got out of it, but on the same time, I perfectly understand why you wouldn't want to touch it as a piece of work.
I just hope you all stay safe, and stay in touch with your loved ones

Playing this and then Presentable Liberty is..... well I mean it's a journey