A mahjong simulator that comes with a really good narrative or something

SMT V is a game I have a complicated relationship with.
If you look at it from a pure gameplay perspective, it seems top notch. The combat is some of the best it's been in megaten and being able to explore these huge areas with demons actually roaming around is cool, but everything else about the game comes off as half baked and rushed.

Most of the environments themselves are the same desert and buildings with not much variety which cheapens the point of having huge areas to explore in 3D (ironically enough, the two traditional dungeons in the game felt more visually interesting than the main areas)
I don't think I need to add any more to the common complaints made on the game's story and charcters, but I'd like to add that I found it nonsensical that the requirements for unlocking the true neutral end and what actually happens in the ending are contradictory

The weaknesses could easily be fixed in a future enhanced version and make a solid game, but we all know atlus is far more likely to add a new waifubait girl and call it a day.

In terms of gameplay and mechanics, this is probably the best the Xenoblade series has been yet. The story left a lot to be desired especially coming hot off my playthroughs of DE and 2, but nonetheless it was enjoyable throughout

How did we regress from this to SV?

A platformer transitioning to 3D that stuck the landing, what more can I say?

I cannot understate how impressive 13 Sentinels is for a game of its scope from such a small developer
The amount of care that went into not only creating such an engaging story but also presenting it through the perspectives of so many different characters in a way that it all still works regardless of the order you choose is nothing short phenomenal

The strategy segments left much to be desired and weren't exactly a highlight, but the rest of the game's positives more than make up for this weak part
To say this is one of the most polished visual novels of all time would not be an understatement

It's a game with a lot of meaningful innovations for the franchise that's unfortunately weighed down by a lot of graphical and technical issues