Easily my favorite story to any game ever

I really felt at peace playing this

I loved playing this game when I was younger, and even today its still fun and super pretty

Hands down best cod of all time

One of the most iconic games of all time, my childhood would never be the same if it weren't for halo

I have to say life was so much better when everyone was playing Reach, wish i could go back

Contrary to popular belief, i enjoyed this game, but after the main story i completely lost interest, it just doesn't do a good job of keeping you after you finish it

campaign is good but thats it

I will never, i say never... get bored of this game

not as good as the other ones but still great

way better than the actual red dead imo

my first cod game so it def has a good rating 4 me, unfortunately i played it on the wii but still thought it was cool

i only have fond memories of this game, and i still go back and play it from time to time, which goes to show how timeless it is