25 reviews liked by xaylife

Every Pokémon game is Pokémon Sleep to me

Lessons from Persona 5

1. Opening yourself up to other results in positive feelings on both sides

2.Tackle every challenge, especially if it’s difficult or people doubt in your ability to defeat it.

3. “When you fall, you’ve got to get back up!”

4. “Men are idiots though...We spend our time chasing after things we can’t get.”

5. Time passes, and whether you like it or not, if you don’t work, you won’t grow.

6. Reading books improves everything.

7. “One must concede defeat with grace – maintaining dignity until the very end.”

8. “The most important part of your life is how you choose to live it.”

Drew like a dark, fucked up version of incest haha. Just a glimpse into my dark reality. A full stare into my twisted perspective would make most simply go insane lmao

Yo this game sucks. Anyways, my balls itch, I'm scratchin' my nuts rn lmfao

I always fucking hated this guy

Whatever you do, don't play Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Worst mistake of my life

1 list liked by xaylife