This game like talking to the beautiful trasngender woman from twitter you fumbled two years ago

Fixes nearly everything poor about the original Undertale, while not losing a single amount of charm, bullet hell, unique mechanics, and general atmosphere. Fleshed out to a ridiculous degree and easily one of the greatest strides in indie game history, earning it's namesake.

For the first time in history, a video game would be better if it was a visual novel instead of the actual game. Mishmash of all of your favorite parts of other video games except far worse. For a difficulty measure, I got infinite money by level 3

Has 0 substance at all gameplay wise but one of the best vibes ever created

Not made for tailscels. Only true knuckleheads will grasp.

You truly need a different kind of fucked up brain to enjoy this game . Make believe reborn chibicali shom or whatever he said man .

when you eat at a white person house 😭

all words are made up before i was born

Takes the best parts of Metro 2033 and amplifies them. Story is better and more concise, a bunch of new weapons, less confusing and linear game design, and much more punishing for wasting time. Would be perfect if the bear boss fight wasn't so dumb (basically impossible to do without cheesing it with claymores but quite the boring boss if you do) and the morality system was tweaked. Amazing experience start to finish

Easily the most imaginative platformer on the market, brought down only by a few very questionable design elements for a platformer (like the heavy wind and having to control moving platforms) and a sappy story. It always feels amazing to traverse around with enough challenge to not nullify the satisfcation of the fluid movement. If you can deal with a bit of corniness, you'll enjoy

Takes all of the good parts of RE2Make and absolutely shits on them. The best parts of the series, exploration and fear, are completey gone. Every map is ultra linear , with parts like the reused RPD and underground facility having complete point a to b type design. Everything is cut off. The minimal exploration you can do makes the game worse as all there usually is to even find is just absurd amounts of ammo. I specifically played this game like an idiot, letting myself get hit and playing recklessly just to try and make the game harder but it does not punish you for it at all. There's nothing to fear because you almost always have five times the resources needed to kill any given enemy at any time. Even in the absolute worst case scenario you run out of ammo, theres literally an infinite melee weapon and a very easy dodge system. This isn't a survival horror game and is moreso a glorified third person action fps, and Capcom clearly does not know how to make those. Play RE2 instead.

The immersion, atmosphere, and creativity of this game is unmatched. At no point do you feel powerful in the hostile world, and almost every combat encounter is a challenge. What should not be a challenge, yet is, is simple direction finding. The maps are weirdly hard to traverse despite being fully linear and there is a lot of trial and error retracing steps to solve simple issues. The game feels like it tries too hard with all of it's complicated and somewhat archaic systems, but I can't deny some of it paid off. Easy reccomend to any survival horror fan

Pretty much weaker then the sequel in every way imaginable but it's still Hotline Miami so

this is exactly what life is like in georgia when you go out of atlanta