An innovative rhythm game at its release, jumbled mess of plot progression tho

Not a "bad" game but lacks consistency to the point where it threw all of the character development out of the window at times

I don't think I can praise this game as what I'd have said has all already been said by those long reviews but please if you haven't played this game, give it a shot

This game really feels like it was made in 2002. Stereotypical character with one trait? Check. Power of friendship? Check. Vaguely described mechanics? Check. But that's just the first few chapters of this game (except the mechanic part).

This game surprisingly has a solid character development and some plot twist that's pretty hard to see coming. The world of the game is also really intriguing as it has you playing to explore the world-building elements of it. There are some dialogue that really portrays emotion really well at the crucial part of the game. The ending chapter is also really hype but the actual ending is kind of abrupt. The problem with this game however, is the god damn mechanics I mentioned earlier. If you gonna play this game here are some tips I wish I knew before starting:

1. Overlevel. You NEED to overlevel to make it through the game (chapter 7 cough). It might take time but I guarantee you, you will have to replay the game if you don't overlevel your characters.

2. The magic system. The color-coded mana system is probably one of the most annoying in all the games I've played. Saia, the first mage that you get, use green mana and if you didn't focus on the green tile part of the map, well, good luck having her hit the enemies for 1 damage for the rest of the game. There's also the problem with the lack of a certain color tile and even green in later part of the game however you can fix that by using items.

3. The vague explanation of basically all gameplay mechanics. I don't know if it expect you to play the game this is based off of (the farland story serie) but there are no explanation to different stats, the magic color I was talking about, the win condition for each fight. It can really be frustrating considering a blind play through can easily be soft-locked by those not knowing how to do different things.

Overall, this game surprisingly has a good story and characters but was drawn back by the fact that it is not hard because it's "hard" but because everything is poorly explained to you and it expected you to give it trials and error. I suggest watching the playthrough from dluxx7 on youtube if you're struggling since there's no wiki page (at least not in english). There's probably no way you can get the physical disc now but you can download from myabandonedware (good website). Lastly, I just want to say, I love wing my way, kotoko my beloved <3

The first half where there's no choice is pretty solid however, the thing about this game is that some route were obviously made to favor those that had better build-up in the first part than those that didn't. IMO there's 2 pretty well-done route, 1 decent route, and the last one is super lackluster.

As amazing of a visual novel this is, it's one of the hardest to recommend to someone who's not into eroge. But buried behind the edgy H-scene and philosophically-driven narrative, I truly believe there is a good story and wonderful message in it.

Wonderful Everyday has one of the most confusing story but it really paid off for those who sticks around. While some might say it fell off after the fourth chapter, I'd say that it really just make the prior chapter made more sense. Sure, I agree that it ruin the mystery of the story since before it, you just have to interpret the whole game on your own without a lead but sacrificing that mystery really paid off since it gave the story closure and even still, I still think there are things you have to come up with explanations on your own. Also, a lot of people seems to dropped this game due to how "fucked up" the H-scene is and while I agree to a certain extend that there are super inappropriately placed H-scenes and some that's just there for shock values, there are still some that amped up the plot or "rewarded" you for seeing it.

Lastly, I'd say that if you really wanna try playing it, then go for it. You might enjoy it or not but don't feel obligated to finished it, there are parts that are weird and doesn't make any sense but the game does a really good job at explaining it, at least I get some of it so you should be able to too right? Do whatever you want, live happily.

Yuki best girl out.

Actually a pretty great mobile rhythm game with characters and stories. Confusing UI tho, you'd had to put effort into figuring things out before the international release.

The last (and probably the only) good far cry game. Solid gameplay progress, fantastic villain, satisfying gunplay, some interesting side missions, if you're an open world/survival fan, you'd probably love it.

I don't know how but it's getting worse every update

used to be better in terms of community and just as a game overall

Gets repetitive way too quickly

The coolest game on IOS on its release