One of the finest N64 outings, a game that rewards mastery so well. It's frustrating at first, and is certainly not for everyone but between it's tongue-in-cheek nature and the fluidity of levels once you learn the mechanics it's one of the most entrancing gaming experiences period. Some levels still are a bit too rigid in the way you're meant to play them but a lot of them are very free if you understand what you're doing.


Fun silly game but for personal reasons I will never look back on it that fondly desu ne

More Lethal League, I never got too deep into this game because of how it's much less snappy than it's predecessor. There is certainly a layer of depth with how much weightier your actions feel but as a casual player the first is still more interesting and fun to play. Still well worth your time I probably just got filtered iunno.

Graphic fidelity aside this 'remake' has less content than the original. An already underwhelming game made even more lackluster is impressive, great job guys!

Solid enough remake. I don't like this new artstyle though

Even if running it on modern hardware wasn't such a chore in itself this game is the most buggy unfun mess I've seen in a hot minute.

Solid little platformer, didn't enjoy the movement a whole lot though. Outside of the core game nothing really urged me to finish all the side content but it was a fun five hour diversion.

At it's core it's the same Serious Sam as it's predecessors but a lot of the level choices and escort parts are unbelievably tiresome. I respect it going all out on the camp department but getting to the fun parts of this game is way too much of a chore.

Sluggish. Still a decent experience but I likely won't return to this over the first two.

Had high hopes but yeah this game sucks ass bros

Wild how this more 'serious' game devolved into the Postal series we know today.

It's very mediocre lol