Overly edgy and a product of it's time but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have some fun with this. The idea of doing a list of tasks every day is quite novel as well.

Of all the indie platformers I played when I was a wee lad this is the only one I've come back to numerous times.

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Maya would NEVER.

It's very fun but feels a tad short.

Kind of clunky but the game has a fair bit of charm and unique ideas. Very sovlful game

Some of the most fun I've had with friends from a vidya. It's pretty cool to see how they expanded on ideas here for Celeste, namely with the dashing mechanic.

Best weapons and robot master designs in the series up to this point, it's peak. No sliding though which kind of sucks...

This game is hated on too much, the nightmare effects are cool. The mavericks are pretty baller, the late game slogs a bit and if you don't end up unlocking Zero by the end game the game isn't very forgiving at all but I genuinely find this more engaging than either X4 or X5.

I was really hoping people were exaggerating when they talked about how much of a letdown this game was but not it's really just that bad. After 3 hours of gameplay I couldn't force myself to continue, shit is WACK!

Insane downgrade from Yoshi's Island. I know it's not trying to be Yoshi's Island but it does hurt to see how much they dumbed the game down. It's cute in it's own right, it plays well enough and it's short to where the multiple different playthroughs of the game are cool but damn this game is all style with very little substance.

If you're gonna make one of these stupid difficult games you should probably make sure the game's engine is consistent and the movement is actually fun eh? The gimmick of using dead bodies to traverse is novel but can only do so much to carry this game's dogshit level design.

Have a huge soft spot for first person platformers. It's a bit short but it's a fun time.

Pretty solid mod for Portal 2 expanding on the goo mechanics but the writing is GRATING.

Solid remake, the movement takes a big hit which was necessary since this is a handheld release. The new levels brought in are great, and most of the stages are reworked in interesting ways. In no way a replacement for the original game but it's well worth a play, and works wonders as a portable game.