Fairly solid platformer with a cool shtick.

Bigger in every way and Croc most certainly did not to be any larger. The last third of the game is the most infuriating shit I hate it yucky gross bad.

It's decent. The bosses in particular are great but most of the levels kind of just pass.

PC version offers a decent platformer/brawler hybrid. While the console versions offered a multiplayer experience this game is only single-player which could make or break. On the whole though I find this was at least interesting to play whereas the console version is just palatable.

one of the greatest speedrun video games of all time

outside of that it's complete poopoo

I wanna say I respect the effort but I really really don't. I gave up on Advanced this game controls pretty shite and the graphics are pretty impressive for GBA but they really don't serve the gameplay whatsoever.

Has a fair bit of charm and plays very well. Worth if you're a fan of super bite-sized but well polished experiences.

It's more Toree, there is a fair bit more going on in the levels but I don't know if I'd say I enjoyed it more than the first. Both are fun games though, and if you did enjoy the first you will certainly enjoy this one.

Love me some tongue action.

Levels are all fairly short, game is challenging enough and has a lot of cool mechanics you'll pick up on over it's 1-2 hour duration. It's a very good platformer and a must play N64 title for sure.