The single player is dumb but it's just more refined Mario Maker, not much to complain about.

A worse mini game collection than it's predecessor with less to do, but I remember playing this in a mall so bonus half point for that.

Way too slow and clunky for my liking

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what other game can u go head to head with satan himself on da guitar????

Levels are all short enough that it's satisfying to figure out how to get thru em. The multiplayer is a nice addition as well, and Curly Brace my beloved makes an appearance.

Fun metroidvania with amazing boss fights and a pretty solid learning curve. If the bunny girl weeb aesthetic doesn't deter you too much it's well worth a play.

One of the finest NES platformers that I've played at least

where's the sovl
The platforming is fine but it doesn't feel as snappy as the original which is a bit lame. Still a fun game though

Insanely satisfying once you learn the level layouts

Some of these levels fucking suck but it's also more of Hotline Miami so who cares