11 reviews liked by yoinkycat

are you lost in the world like me


raiden turn off the game console now

Tore my friend group apart

peak but i’m never playing this game ever again holy shit

Best game of the century. Honestly if you haven't already installed it you should. It's a must have for every gamer. It's full of rich, beautiful graphics and hours of content. I've never felt so moved and emotional over a story like I have with Roblox. My recommendation is to have the most high quality specs to play this game, you're going to need it to be able to see all the wonderfully crafted details. The multiplayer option is spectacular, there's a real sense of community and love. My friends and I have never been closer while playing it's version of UNO. We were brought to tears. I cannot express my gratitude to the Roblox creators for making such a captivating work of art.