An interesting little curio in the PSP library, but just a bit too obtuse to grasp and a bit too abstract graphically to get a handle on what you're doing. Not really feeling it.

seeing the moja: oh. not sure about that.

seeing the black locoroco: c'mon guys.

hearing the black locoroco: GUYS

Bigsnax is more Bugsnax and more BUNGER, which is pretty much all I needed it to be

two whole bits of color in this palette and yet my two whole eyes be mistin up

Exactly what I've been hoping for since that 2005 Nintendo Power feature on Kirby GCN

Me: Hmm... I know there's an HD remaster of this game, but I think I wanna check this out on the original system, since it's always held up as a flagship game for the Vita.


The classic mode is great for a portable entry but there's a certain charm lost by streamlining to two weapons instead of three. All of the hardware-specific gimmick features are uhhhhh not great tho, wew

One of the many, many games that makes you wish the PSP had a second analog stick

Checked this out again because it was just updated with new game modes, including a shmup one. Instantly went from hyped to deflated upon starting this up again and remembering that it's essentially a glorified visualizer - after all, AI generated randomization doesn't hold a candle to curated challenges that actually make sense to the human ear. Wonder if this will be the catalyst for me finally downloading Clone Hero...

Edit, 2 hours later: it was, in fact, the catalyst for exactly that.

A roguelike deck-building strategy game, or as it's better known, digital crack. As a fan of IRL deck-building card games like Dominion, this is addictive as hell. It's available on just about everything, and it's seriously worth your time - burning an hour has never been so easy!

My only critiques are that the artstyle is pretty underwhelming, and the RNG can really make or break your run sometimes. Still, the underlying game is so fun that I'll be absolutely be returning to this in order to finally Slay the Spire.

What it lacks in depth, it makes up for in raw adorableness. Explore an island, manage a farm, raise some slimes, and crossbreed the cutest bioweapons (for fun!). Perfect art style, and the sound design here is pure serotonin. Looking forward to the sequel!

The Dark Souls of garlic-likes. It's a bit more engaging than Vampire Survivors, but weirdly enough, I don't think that works in its favor. It's way harder because of the EXP pickup mechanics: Vampire Survivors forces you to run into enemies (and their drops) to kill them, while 20 Minutes Till Dawn forces you to evade away from enemies (and their drops) while trying to fend them off. Build variety is a bit limited too, despite ostensibly more variation in mechanics.

All in all, an awesome entry into this fledgling new genre, but I can't see myself coming back to this as often until it gets a bit more development time.

* Played well on Ubuntu 20.04 via Proton 7.0-3

I love this game but we really need to move on as a species

when I was a kid, this legitimately felt like that mind-blowing "future of videogames" experience that the industry currently chases. I'm still not convinced that we've surpassed it in terms of raw mainstream appeal and accessibility